RADC Research Resource Sharing Hub

The Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center (RADC), one of 29 Alzheimer's disease (AD) Research Centers across the country designated and funded by the National Institute on Aging (NIA), is dedicated to supporting research about the cause, treatment, and prevention of AD, other dementias, and a range of other common chronic conditions of aging. The many RADC studies generate an enormous variety of unique data and biospecimens to support this effort. RADC faculty and staff are committed to sharing these resources with the wider aging and AD research community to accelerate the pace at which new knowledge is created for the treatment and prevention of dementia and other age-related chronic neurologic conditions, and have distributed data across the United States and the world.

The RADC Research Resource Sharing Hub was specifically designed to help you, the non-RADC investigator, navigate the complex data and biospecimens available for sharing, and to assist you in identifying data and biospecimens that you can use to support your own projects. We invite you to explore the site, see what is available, and submit your data and/or biospecimen request.

—David A. Bennett, MD, Director of RADC

Annually around the world, millions of old (and even young) people cared for in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) suffer through a period of confusion or delirium. These ICU survivors have new life-altering, long-lasting, and often permanent cognitive impairment, which looks like Alzheimer's disease and/or related dementias. This BRAIN-ICU-2 Study [Bringing to light the Risk factors And Incidence of Neuropsychological dysfunction (dementia) in ICU Survivors, 2nd Study] will define the relationship between ICU delirium and dementia, will explain this unfortunate and life-changing brain damage in ICU survivors, and will pave the way for preventive programs, strategic rehabilitation, and targeted future interventions.

BRAIN-ICU-2 is a collaboration between the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center (RADC) and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC). Data and Bisospecimens collected for the study are stored in the RADC's Data and Biospecimen Repository and are can be requested through the RADC's Research Resource Sharing Hub.

Following the COVID-19 outbreak, a supplemental grant was obtained to apply the BRAIN-ICU-2 protocols to individuals admitted at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for treatment.

Learn more about available data and biospecimen from BRAIN-ICU-2 study and the COVID-19 supplement.