Data Dictionary for cedharis

Number of Blaise fields: 36

Seq # Var Question Data Type/Coding
1 versiondate Version Date
2 formdescr Form Description
3 formno Form Number String[8]
4 version Version Number String[4]
5 projid ^formdescr Form: ^formno Version: ^version (^versiondate) Enter project ID number. String[8]
6 visit Enter curent visit code from face sheet: CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year 00 = Baseline 08 = 8th F/U 16 = 16th F/U 24 = 24th F/U 01 = 1st F/U 09 = 9th F/U 17 = 17th F/U 25 = 25th F/U 02 = 2nd F/U 10 = 10th F/U 18 = 18th F/U 26 = 26th F/U 03 = 3rd F/U 11 = 11th F/U 19 = 19th F/U 27 = 27th F/U 04 = 4th F/U 12 = 12th F/U 20 = 20th F/U 28 = 28th F/U 05 = 5th F/U 13 = 13th F/U 21 = 21th F/U 29 = 29th F/U 06 = 6th F/U 14 = 14th F/U 22 = 22th F/U 30 = 30th F/U 07 = 7th F/U 15 = 15th F/U 23 = 23th F/U String[2]
7 baseyear Enter year of baseline from face sheet: 1993 .. 2025
8 autodate Automatic Date. Date type
9 autotime Automatic Time. TimeType
10 autolog Automatic Logged Date. Date type
11 intid INTERVIEWER ID 100 .. 997
12 compid Laptop id String[7]
13 dateint Date of interview Date type
14 gender Enter participant's gender. 1= Male 2= Female 3= Transgender
15 igender Which gender do you identify with? 1= Male 2= Female
16 risc_adapt CD-RISC 10 (Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 10) [Introduction to participant:] Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements as they apply to you over the last month. If a particular situation has not occurred recently, answer according to how you think you would have felt. 1. I am able to adapt when changes occur. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
17 risc_deal 2. I can deal with whatever comes my way. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
18 risc_humor 3. I try to see the humorous side of things when I am faced with problems. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
19 risc_cope 4. Having to cope with stress can make me stronger. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
20 risc_bounce 5. I tend to bounce back after illness, injury, or other hardship. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
21 risc_believe 6. I believe I can achieve my goals, even if there are obstacles. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
22 risc_pressure 7. Under pressure, I stay focused and think clearly. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
23 risc_discourage 8. I am not easily discouraged by failure. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
24 risc_strong 9. I think of myself as a strong person when dealing with life's challenges and difficulties. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
25 risc_unpleasant 10. I am able to handle unpleasant or painful feelings like sadness, fear and anger. 0= Not at all 1= Rarely true 2= Sometimes true 3= Often true 4= True nearly all the time
26 howwell 1. INTERVIEWER OBSERVATIONS How well do you think the participant understood the questions? 1= Quite well 2= Fairly well 3= Somewhat 4= Very Little 5= Not at all
27 hearimp 2. Does the participant have a SUBSTANTIAL hearing impairment? 1= Yes 2= No
28 visimp 3. Does the participant have a SUBSTANTIAL visual impariment? 1= Yes, completely blind 2= Yes, very poor 3= Yes, poor 4= No, not substantial
29 phyeffrt 4. How great an effort do you think the participant put into the physical function items? 1= A great deal 2= A considerable amount 3= A moderate amount 4= A little bit 5= Hardly any
30 formcode Please enter status code. 11 = COMPLETE 13 = COMPLETE, portion with proxy 12 = INCOMPLETE, refused 14 = INCOMPLETE, too impaired 21 = INCOMPLETE interim, complete later 73 = NOT TESTED, out of town 31 = NOT TESTED, moved 33 = NOT TESTED, refused 75 = NOT TESTED, hospitalized 76 = NOT TESTED, other 42 = DECEASED 43 = WITHDRAWN 44 = WITHDRAWN, Autopsy OK 11 .. 76
31 formpart Was participant reluctant, and/or does participant have special needs? 1= Yes 2= No
32 formcomm Please explain reluctance or any other factors which may have affected this data. [Press enter if no comment needed.] String[120]
33 statid Please enter you staff id. 100 .. 997
34 formch Has the form been modified? 1= Yes 2= No
35 revidate Enter the date that the form was modified. Date type
36 revintd Enter your staff id number. 100 .. 997

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