Data Dictionary for radccog

Number of Blaise fields: 602

Seq # Var Question Data Type/Coding
1 versiondate Version Date
2 formdescr Form Description
3 ebdr_delay_check A minimum of 3 minutes must elapse between the end of the East Boston Memory Test-Immediate Recall and the start of the East Boston Memory Test-Delayed Recall. If less than three minutes have elapsed, ask the participant to wait and engage in neutral conversation for duration. When ready, press ENTER to begin the EBMT-Delayed Recall.
4 formno Form Number String[8]
5 version Version Number String[10]
6 projid ^formdescr Form: ^formno Version: ^version (^versiondate) Enter project ID number. String[8]
7 visit Enter curent visit code from face sheet: CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year 00 = Baseline 08 = 8th F/U 16 = 16th F/U 24 = 24th F/U 01 = 1st F/U 09 = 9th F/U 17 = 17th F/U 25 = 25th F/U 02 = 2nd F/U 10 = 10th F/U 18 = 18th F/U 26 = 26th F/U 03 = 3rd F/U 11 = 11th F/U 19 = 19th F/U 27 = 27th F/U 04 = 4th F/U 12 = 12th F/U 20 = 20th F/U 28 = 28th F/U 05 = 5th F/U 13 = 13th F/U 21 = 21th F/U 29 = 29th F/U 06 = 6th F/U 14 = 14th F/U 22 = 22th F/U 30 = 30th F/U 07 = 7th F/U 15 = 15th F/U 23 = 23th F/U String[2]
8 baseyear Enter year of baseline from face sheet: 1993 .. 2025
9 autodate Automatic Date. Date type
10 autotime Automatic Time. TimeType
11 autolog Automatic Logged Date. Date type
12 intid INTERVIEWER ID 100 .. 997
13 compid Laptop ID String[20]
14 dateint Date of interview Date type
15 educ ^educ_question Elementary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 High School 9 10 11 12 College 13 14 15 16 Graduate Professional 17 18 19 20 21 ... 0 .. 30
16 q1mme Now I have some questions about everyday information. Some questions may be easy, but others may be hard. [CODE: 0=ERROR; 1=CORRECT] 1. What is the year? 0= Error 1= Correct
17 q2mme 2. What is the season of the year? 0= Error 1= Correct
18 q3mme 3. What is the date? 0= Error 1= Correct
19 q4mme 4. What is the day of the week? 0= Error 1= Correct
20 q5mme 5. What is the month? 0= Error 1= Correct
21 q6mme 6. Can you tell me where we are? For instance, what state are we in? 0= Error 1= Correct
22 q7mme 7. What county are we in? 0= Error 1= Correct
23 q8mme 8. What city are we in? 0= Error 1= Correct
24 q9mme 9. What room are we in? 0= Error 1= Correct
25 q10amme 10. What is the address of this place? 10a. Street Number [STREET NUMBER CORRECT?] 0= Error 1= Correct
26 q10bmme 10b. Street Name [STREET NAME CORRECT?] 0= Error 1= Correct
27 apple 11. I am going to name 3 objects. After I have said them, I want you to repeat them. Remember what they are because I am going to ask you to name them again in a few minutes. The objects are: [SAY 1 WORD/SECOND] Apple -- Table -- Penny Now, please repeat the names for me. [SCORE FIRST ATTEMPT; 2 MORE TRIALS PERMITTED IF NEEDED] 11a. [Apple] 0= Error 1= Correct
28 tabl 11b. [Table] 0= Error 1= Correct
29 penny 11c. [Penny] 0= Error 1= Correct
30 q12amme 12. Now I am going to give you a word and ask you to spell it forwards and backwards. The word is WORLD. 12a. First, can you spell it forwards? [SCORE FIRST ATTEMPT AS ERROR (0) OR CORRECT (1). REPEAT OR HELP WITH SPELLING UP TO 2 TIMES IF NEEDED] 0= Error 1= Correct
31 q12bmme 12b. Now spell it backwards [RECORD LETTERS OFFERED IN ORDER. LEAVE ANY EXTRA SPACES BLANK] String[10]
32 q13amme 13. What were the three objects I asked you to remember? 13a. [Apple] 0= Error 1= Correct
33 q13bmme 13b. [Table] 0= Error 1= Correct
34 q13cmme 13c. [Penny] 0= Error 1= Correct
35 q14mme 14. [SHOW WRIST WATCH] What is this called? 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
36 q15mme 15. [SHOW PENCIL] What is this called? 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
37 q16mme 16. I would like you to repeat a phrase after me. The phrase is: 'No if's, and's or but's.' [ALLOW ONLY ONE TRIAL] [ENTER 1=CORRECT IF R REPEATS PHRASE EXACTLY] 0= Error 1= Correct
38 q17mme 17. Read the words on this card, then do what it says. [SHOW R CARD] [ENTER 1=CORRECT IF R CLOSES EYES] 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
39 paper 18. I'm going to give you a piece of paper. When I do, take the paper in your right hand, fold the paper in half with both hands, and put the paper down on your lap. [HAND R PAPER. DO NOT REPEAT INSTRUCTIONS OR COACH] 18a. [Paper in right hand] 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
40 folds 18b. [Folds paper in half] 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
41 places 18c. [Places paper in lap] 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
42 q19mme 19. Write any complete sentence on this piece of paper for me. [ENTER CORRECT IF COMPLETE SENTENCE WRITTEN] 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
43 q20mme 20. Please copy the drawing on this piece of paper. [ENTER 1=CORRECT IF THE TWO FIVE-SIDED FIGURES INTERSECT TO FORM A FOUR-SIDED FIGURE AND IF ALL ANGLES IN THE FIVE-SIDED FIGURE ARE PRESERVED] 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Not applicable
44 scwrld 0 .. 5
45 scmmse5 0 .. 5
46 scmmse6 0 .. 5
47 scmmse10 0 .. 10
48 scmmse30 0 .. 30
49 m5mmse 0 .. 5
50 m6mmse 0 .. 5
51 m10mmse 0 .. 10
52 m30mmse 0 .. 30
53 oridom String[6]
54 admin ADMINISTRATION: [SAY]: `I am going to read you a little story. Listen carefully, and when I am through I want you to tell me everything you can remember. The story is:' Anna Thompson of South Boston, employed as a cook in a school cafeteria, reported at the City Hall Station that she had been held up on State Street the night before and robbed of fifty-six dollars. She had four small children, the rent was due, and they had not eaten for two days. The police, touched by the woman's story, took up a collection for her. >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
55 postadm [SAY]: `Later on I will ask you to tell me this story again, so try not to forget it.' >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
56 story [THEN SAY]: `Now begin at the beginning and tell me everything you can remember from the story.' [RECORD R'S STORY ON FORM. UNDERLINE EACH UNIT THAT IS PRESENT AND ENTER TOTAL BELOW.] [ENTER NUMBER OF UNITS RECALLED OR 77 TO DEFER] 0 .. 77
57 admin2 BOSTON NAMING TEST ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `Now I am going to show you some pictures, and I want you to say the name of each picture.' [SHOW FIRST PICTURE. MAXIMUM EXPOSURE OF 10 SECONDS PER PICTURE. FOR OVERLY GENERAL RESPONSES (E.G., `BRUSH' OR `BOAT'), SAY, `Is there another name for that?' BUT DO NOT QUESTION FURTHER.] [PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST QUESTION]
58 jump Press END to skip to next section.
59 tree What is the name of this object? [CREDIT TREE OR ANY SPECIFIC TREE NAME] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
60 bed What is the name of this object? [CREDIT BED OR COT] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
61 whistle What is the name of this object? [CREDIT WHISTLE] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
62 flower What is the name of this object? [CREDIT FLOWER OR ANY SPECIFIC FLOWER NAME] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
63 house What is the name of this object? [CREDIT HOUSE, HOME, SCHOOLHOUSE, HOSPITAL] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
64 canoe What is the name of this object? [CREDIT CANOE; QUESTION BOAT] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
65 toothbr What is the name of this object? [CREDIT TOOTHBRUSH; QUESTION BRUSH] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
66 volcano What is the name of this object? [CREDIT VOLCANO] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
67 mask What is the name of this object? [CREDIT MASK, DOE FACE, FALSE FACE] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
68 camel What is the name of this object? [CREDIT CAMEL] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
69 harmon What is the name of this object? [CREDIT HARMONICA, MOUTH ORGAN, FRENCH HARP, BLUES HARP] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
70 tongs What is the name of this object? [CREDIT TONGS, TONG, ICE TONG(S)] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
71 hammock What is the name of this object? [CREDIT HAMMOCK, SWING] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
72 funnel What is the name of this object? [CREDIT FUNNEL] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
73 domino What is the name of this object? [CREDIT DOMINOES, DOMINO] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
74 scbname 0 .. 15
75 bndom String[6]
76 mbname 0 .. 15
77 admin3 ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `I am going to show you the same words again. Read the words aloud as I show them to you and try to remember them.' [PRESENT THE WORDS AT THE RATE OF ONE WORD EVERY TWO SECONDS. READ THE WORD FOR R IF NEED BE.] AFTER PRESENTATION, SAY: `Now tell me as many of the words as you can recall.' [CHECK EACH WORD RECALLED ON TEST FORM AND THEN ENTER CODE FOR EACH ITEM. SCORING MAY BE DEFERRED BY ENTERING 7 FOR ALL ITEMS.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
79 admin4 ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `I am going to show you the same words again. Read the words aloud as I show them to you and try to remember them.' [PRESENT THE WORDS AT THE RATE OF ONE WORD EVERY TWO SECONDS. READ THE WORD FOR R IF NEED BE.] AFTER PRESENTATION, SAY: `Now tell me as many of the words as you can recall.' [CHECK EACH WORD RECALLED ON TEST FORM AND THEN ENTER CODE FOR EACH ITEM. SCORING MAY BE DEFERRED BY ENTERING 7 FOR ALL ITEMS.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
81 admin1 ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `I am going to show you ten printed words. Read each word out loud as I show it to you. Later, I will ask you to recall all ten words.' [PRESENT THE WORDS AT THE RATE OF ONE WORD EVERY TWO SECONDS. IF R CANNOT READ OR MISREADS THE WORD, READ IT FOR HIM/HER AND CHECK THE `CAN'T READ' COLUMN ON THE TEST FORM FOR THAT WORD. IF R CANNOT READ DUE TO VISION PROBLEMS, ENTER 66 FOR THE `CAN'T READ' TOTAL.] >>>>> PRESS 'c' TO CONTINUE <<<<< String[1]
83 cantread TRIAL 1 SCORING A. `CAN'T READ' TOTAL 0 .. 77
84 wordt1_1 1. Butter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
85 wordt1_2 2. Arm 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
86 wordt1_3 3. Shore 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
87 wordt1_4 4. Letter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
88 wordt1_5 5. Queen 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
89 wordt1_6 6. Cabin 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
90 wordt1_7 7. Pole 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
91 wordt1_8 8. Ticket 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
92 wordt1_9 9. Grass 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
93 wordt1_x 10. Engine 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
94 wordt2_1 TRIAL 2 SCORING 1. Ticket 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
95 wordt2_2 2. Cabin 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
96 wordt2_3 3. Butter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
97 wordt2_4 4. Shore 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
98 wordt2_5 5. Engine 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
99 wordt2_6 6. Arm 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
100 wordt2_7 7. Queen 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
101 wordt2_8 8. Letter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
102 wordt2_9 9. Pole 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
103 wordt2_x 10. Grass 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
104 wordt3_1 TRIAL 3 SCORING 1. Queen 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
105 wordt3_2 2. Grass 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
106 wordt3_3 3. Arm 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
107 wordt3_4 4. Cabin 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
108 wordt3_5 5. Pole 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
109 wordt3_6 6. Shore 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
110 wordt3_7 7. Butter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
111 wordt3_8 8. Engine 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
112 wordt3_9 9. Ticket 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
113 wordt3_x 10. Letter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
114 scwli 0 .. 30
115 mword1t3 0 .. 30
116 admin6 [TURN TO PAGE 2 IN BOOKLET.] `Now I want you to try the problems on this page for practice. Look at each pair of numbers and tell me as quickly as possible whether they are the SAME or DIFFERENT. Go ahead.' [TYPE `s' OR `d'. CORRECT ERRORS. PERIODICALLY REINFORCE CORRECT RESPONSES (`Good' or `Right').] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
117 admin7 Good, you have the idea. I have some more of these I want you to do. As I show you each page, tell me whether each pair of numbers is the SAME or DIFFERENT. Work as quickly as you can until I say `stop.' Ready? [TURN PAGE AND SAY `Begin' AS YOU START TIMER. TYPE `s' OR `d'. TURN PAGE SMOOTHLY AND QUICKLY AT END OF EACH COLUMN AND SAY `Continue.' SAY `Stop' AFTER *90 SECONDS*.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
118 admin8 ADMINISTRATION: [SAY] `I want to see how quickly you can compare two numbers and decide whether they are the same or different. [OPEN BOOKLET TO PAGE 1.] Look at this pair of numbers. [POINT TO FIRST ITEM.] They are the same, so you would say `same.' This next pair is not the same, so you would say `different.' [MAKE SURE R SEES DIFFERENCE. POINT OUT DIFFERENCE (4TH DIGIT) IF NECESSARY.] This next pair is the same. And the last pair is different.' [****NOTE: If R is physically unable to perform test, enter a 6 now. Otherwise, press ENTER to continue.] String[1]
119 practice PAGE 2: (P1) 658331 --- 656331 [D] (P2) 11653 --- 11652 [D] (P3) 617439428 --- 617439428 [S] (P4) 1860439 --- 1860439 [S] (P5) 90776015 --- 90716105 [D] (P6) 7343801 --- 7343801 [S] String[6]
120 page3 PAGE 3: (1) 420 ___ 460 (2) 13897143 ___ 13897145 (3) 4327 ___ 4327 (4) 519605 ___ 519605 (5) 3201859 ___ 3201859 (6) 13603 ___ 17603 (7) 621532992 ___ 621532992 (8) 2570665292 ___ 2570665292 [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[8]
121 page4 [TURN PAGE AND SAY `Continue'] PAGE 4: (9) 4821 ___ 9821 (10) 5327010538 ___ 5327010538 (11) 236 ___ 936 (12) 5911306 ___ 5911306 (13) 49471307 ___ 47471307 (14) 341798301 ___ 341798701 (15) 347820 ___ 349820 (16) 60971 ___ 60971 [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[8]
122 page5 [TURN PAGE AND SAY `Continue'] PAGE 5: (17) 925660752 ___ 925660752 (18) 5930582136 ___ 5730582136 (19) 27109 ___ 27109 (20) 4951 ___ 4951 (21) 3821043 ___ 3821043 (22) 39471307 ___ 39471507 (23) 414982 ___ 415982 (24) 618 ___ 618 [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[8]
123 page6 [TURN PAGE AND SAY `Continue'] PAGE 6: (25) 5471075693 ___ 5471075683 (26) 647107569 ___ 647107569 (27) 17906 ___ 17906 (28) 705 ___ 708 (29) 24179830 ___ 24179830 (30) 619605 ___ 619505 (31) 7215 ___ 7915 (32) 4714306 ___ 4715306 [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[8]
124 page7 [TURN PAGE AND SAY `Continue'] PAGE 7: (33) 65382 ___ 65382 (34) 6082649875 ___ 6082647875 (35) 289414 ___ 283414 (36) 7361408 ___ 7361708 (37) 16253948 ___ 16253948 (38) 7573 ___ 7573 (39) 639 ___ 637 (40) 370543141 ___ 370543141 [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[8]
125 page8 [TURN PAGE AND SAY `Continue'] PAGE 8: (41) 705731195 ___ 705731195 (42) 5082 ___ 1082 (43) 4930582136 ___ 4930582136 (44) 43210573 ___ 43710573 (45) 710 ___ 710 (46) 4573043 ___ 4573043 (47) 923452 ___ 927452 (48) 80537 ___ 80737 [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[8]
126 scncraw 0 .. 48
127 wrong 0 .. 48
128 scnccrtd -48 .. 48
129 mnumcom 0 .. 10
130 prelim A minimum of 3 minutes must elapse between the end of the Word List Memory and the start of the Word List Recall. If less than three minutes have elapsed, ask the participant to wait and engage in neutral conversation for duration. When ready, press ENTER to begin the Word List Recall test.
131 admin9 ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `A few minutes ago I asked you to learn a list of ten words which ^Iyou read one at a time from cards. Now I want you to try to recall as many of those ten words as you can.' [CHECK EACH WORD RECALLED ON TEST FORM AND THEN ENTER CODE FOR EACH ITEM. SCORING MAY BE DEFERRED BY ENTERING 7 FOR ALL ITEMS. PLURALS AND PAST TENSES (I.E., `POLES' AND `POLED' FOR `POLE') ARE THE ONLY ACCEPTABLE VARIANTS. ALLOW A MAXIMUM OF 90 SECONDS FOR RECALL.] >>>>> PLEASE ENTER C <<<<< String[1]
132 recall_1 1. Butter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
133 recall_2 2. Arm 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
134 recall_3 3. Shore 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
135 recall_4 4. Letter 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
136 recall_5 5. Queen 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
137 recall_6 6. Cabin 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
138 recall_7 7. Pole 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
139 recall_8 8. Ticket 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
140 recall_9 9. Grass 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
141 recall_x 10. Engine 0= Error 1= Correct 7= Problem
142 scwlii 0 .. 10
143 wl2dom String[6]
144 mwdrecal 0 .. 10
145 adminb ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `Now I am going to read you sets of four words. One word in each set is from the list I read earlier, and the others are words I haven't read you before. I want you to tell me the word in each set that is from the list I read earlier.' [POINT TO WORDS IN BOOKLET AS YOU READ THEM. ENCOURAGE GUESSING IF NEED BE.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<< String[1]
146 wrdrecb1 1. [READ] Palace, Dollar, Letter, Railroad. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: LETTER] 0= Error 1= Correct
147 wrdrecb2 2. [READ] Book, River, Stone, Pole. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: POLE] 0= Error 1= Correct
148 wrdrecb3 3. [READ] Animal, Village, Engine, Diamond. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: ENGINE] 0= Error 1= Correct
149 wrdrecb4 4. [READ] Garden, Arm, Rock, Coffee. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: ARM] 0= Error 1= Correct
150 wrdrecb5 5. [READ] Church, Queen, Temple, Ocean. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: QUEEN] 0= Error 1= Correct
151 wrdrecb6 6. [READ] Cabin, Boy, Fire, Street. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: CABIN] 0= Error 1= Correct
152 wrdrecb7 7. [READ] Machine, Officer, String, Ticket. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: TICKET] 0= Error 1= Correct
153 wrdrecb8 8. [READ] Sky, Butter, Hotel, Party. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: BUTTER] 0= Error 1= Correct
154 wrdrecb9 9. [READ] Grass, Mountain, Clock, Camp. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: GRASS] 0= Error 1= Correct
155 wrdrecbx 10. [READ] Troops, Pipe, Shore, Coin. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: SHORE] 0= Error 1= Correct
156 admina ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `Now I am going to show you sets of four words. One word in each set is from the list you saw earlier, and the others are words I haven't shown you before. I want you to tell me the word in each set that is from the list you saw earlier.' [READ WORDS FOR R AND/OR ENCOURAGE GUESSING IF NEED BE.] [Please enter 'c' for first item.] String[1]
157 wordrec1 [SHOW FIRST PAGE IN BOOKLET.] 1. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: LETTER] 0= Error 1= Correct
158 wordrec2 2. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: POLE] 0= Error 1= Correct
159 wordrec3 3. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: ENGINE] 0= Error 1= Correct
160 wordrec4 4. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: ARM] 0= Error 1= Correct
161 wordrec5 5. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: QUEEN] 0= Error 1= Correct
162 wordrec6 6. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: CABIN] 0= Error 1= Correct
163 wordrec7 7. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: TICKET] 0= Error 1= Correct
164 wordrec8 8. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: BUTTER] 0= Error 1= Correct
165 wordrec9 9. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: GRASS] 0= Error 1= Correct
166 wordrecx 10. Which one of these words is from that list? [ANSWER: SHORE] 0= Error 1= Correct
167 scwliii 0 .. 10
168 wl3dom String[6]
169 mwdrecog 0 .. 20
170 respa1 [SAY:] `Good.' >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
171 respa2 [SAY:] `^correctA is correct for this line [POINT], but the other line is ^rightA.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
172 respa3 [SAY:] `No, this line is a 1 [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] and this is a 6.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
173 respa4 [SAY:] `This line is a 1 [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] and this is a 6.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
174 respb1 [SAY:] `Good.' >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
175 respb2 [SAY:] `^correctB is correct for this line [POINT], but the other line is ^rightB.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
176 respb3 [SAY:] `No, this line is a 4 [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] and this is a 10.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
177 respb4 [SAY:] `This line is a 4 [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] and this is a 10.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
178 respc1 [SAY:] `Good.' >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
179 respc2 [SAY:] `^correctC is correct for this line [POINT], but the other line is ^rightC.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
180 respc3 [SAY:] `No, this line is a 7 [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] and this is an 8.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
181 respc4 [SAY:] `This line is a 7 [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] and this is an 8.' [POINT TO STIMULUS, THEN KEY] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION <<<<<
182 praca1 ADMINISTRATION: [BEGIN WITH PRACTICE ITEM A. POINT TO THE STIMULUS LINES AND SAY:] `See these two lines? Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] are in exactly the same position and point in the same direction as the two lines up here? [POINT TO STIMULI] Tell me the number of the lines.' [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE. IF PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO PERFORM TEST, ENTER 66, THEN PRESS `END' TO SKIP TO NEXT SECTION.] 1 .. 66
183 praca2 [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
184 pracb1 [TURN TO PRACTICE ITEM B. POINT TO THE KEY AND SAY:] `Tell me which two lines down here point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
185 pracb2 [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
186 pracc1 [TURN TO PRACTICE ITEM C. POINT TO THE KEY AND SAY:] `Tell me which two lines down here point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
187 pracc2 [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
189 line1b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
190 line2a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
191 line2b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
192 line3a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
193 line3b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
194 line4a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
195 line4b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
196 line5a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
197 line5b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
198 line6a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
199 line6b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
200 line7a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
201 line7b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
202 line8a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
203 line8b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
204 line9a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
205 line9b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
206 line10a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
207 line10b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
208 line11a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
209 line11b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
210 line12a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
211 line12b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
212 line13a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
213 line13b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
214 line14a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
215 line14b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
216 line15a SAY, `Which two lines down here [POINT TO KEY] point in the same direction as the lines up here?' [POINT TO STIMULI] [RECORD FIRST RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
217 line15b [RECORD SECOND RESPONSE] 1 .. 66
218 sclopair 0 .. 15
219 lodom String[6]
220 mlineor 0 .. 15
221 admin10 SAY Now I am going to give you a set of numbers. Please listen carefully and when I am through, repeat them after me. >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
222 respond1 No, I said 2-8-3, so to say these backwards you would need to say 3-8-2. Now try these numbers. Remember, you are to say them backwards. >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT PRACTICE ITEM <<<<<
223 respond2 I said 2-8-3, so to say these backwards you would need to say 3-8-2. Now try these numbers. Remember, you are to say them backwards. >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT PRACTICE ITEM <<<<<
224 respond3 No, I said 1-5-8, so to say them backwards you would need to say 8-5-1. Now I have some more numbers. Remember, you are to say them backwards. [INTERVIEWER: Read the digits at the rate of one per second, letting the voice pitch drop on the last digit.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
225 respond4 I said 1-5-8, so to say them backwards you would need to say 8-5-1. Now I have some more numbers. Remember, you are to say them backwards. [INTERVIEWER: Read the digits at the rate of one per second, letting the voice pitch drop on the last digit.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
226 right That's right. Now I have some more numbers. Remember, you are to say them backwards. [INTERVIEWER: Read the digits at the rate of one per second, letting the voice pitch drop on the last digit.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
227 digfor1a 1a. Ready? 6-2-9 0= Error 1= Correct
228 digfor1b 1b. Here is another: 3-7-5 0= Error 1= Correct
229 digfor2a 2a. Here is another: 5-4-1-7 0= Error 1= Correct
230 digfor2b 2b. Here is another: 8-3-9-6 0= Error 1= Correct
231 digfor3a 3a. Here is another: 3-6-9-2-5 0= Error 1= Correct
232 digfor3b 3b. Here is another: 6-9-4-7-1 0= Error 1= Correct
233 digfor4a 4a. Here is another: 9-1-8-4-2-7 0= Error 1= Correct
234 digfor4b 4b. Here is another: 6-3-5-4-8-2 0= Error 1= Correct
235 digfor5a 5a. Here is another: 1-2-8-5-3-4-6 0= Error 1= Correct
236 digfor5b 5b. Here is another: 2-8-1-4-9-7-5 0= Error 1= Correct
237 digfor6a 6a. Here is another: 3-8-2-9-5-1-7-4 0= Error 1= Correct
238 digfor6b 6b. Here is another: 5-9-1-8-2-6-4-7 0= Error 1= Correct
239 scdf 0 .. 12
240 mdigfor 0 .. 12
241 digbakp1 Now I am going to say some more numbers, but this time when I stop I want you to say them backwards. For example, if I say 2-8-3, what would you say? 0= Error 1= Correct
242 digbakp2 Practice 2. Ready? 1-5-8. 0= Error 1= Correct
243 digbak1a 1a. Ready? 5-1 0= Error 1= Correct
244 digbak1b 1b. Here is another: 3-8 0= Error 1= Correct
245 digbak2a 1b. Here is another: 4-9-3 0= Error 1= Correct
246 digbak2b 1b. Here is another: 5-2-6 0= Error 1= Correct
247 digbak3a 1b. Here is another: 3-8-1-4 0= Error 1= Correct
248 digbak3b 1b. Here is another: 1-7-9-5 0= Error 1= Correct
249 digbak4a 1b. Here is another: 6-2-9-7-2 0= Error 1= Correct
250 digbak4b 1b. Here is another: 4-8-5-2-7 0= Error 1= Correct
251 digbak5a 1b. Here is another: 7-1-5-2-8-6 0= Error 1= Correct
252 digbak5b 1b. Here is another: 8-3-1-9-6-4 0= Error 1= Correct
253 digbak6a 1b. Here is another: 4-7-3-9-1-2-8 0= Error 1= Correct
254 digbak6b 1b. Here is another: 8-1-2-9-3-6-5 0= Error 1= Correct
255 scdb 0 .. 12
256 dbdom String[6]
257 mdigbak 0 .. 12
258 respond0 You could have said `shoes' or `coat' since these are articles of clothing. [PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION]
259 respond5 No, ______ is (are) not an article(s) of clothing. You could have said `shoes' or `coat' since these are articles of clothing. [PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION]
260 respond6 That's right. You also could have said `shoes' or `coat.' [PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION]
261 respond7 ______ is (are) correct, but ______ is (are) not an article of clothing. You also could have said `shoes' or `coat.' [PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION]
262 respond8 That's right. [PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION]
263 clothing I am going to give you a category and I want you to name, as fast as you can, all of the things that belong in that category. For example, if I say `articles of clothing,' you could say shirt, tie, or hat. Can you think of other articles of clothing? [INTERVIEWER: Wait up to 20 seconds for two responses.] 0= No response 1= One or more incorrect responses, no correct response 2= One correct response and no incorrect response 3= One or more correct responses and one or more incorrect responses 4= Two or more correct responses and no incorrect responses
264 animals Now I want you to name things that belong to another category: animals. You will have one minute. I want you to tell me all the animals you can think of in one minute. Ready? Begin. [INTERVIEWER: BEGIN TIMER. WRITE RESPONSES ON TEST FORM. STOP TEST AT 60 SECONDS. *ONE* PROMPT (`Tell me all the animals you can think of.') IS PERMITTED *IF* R MAKES NO RESPONSE FOR A 15-SECOND INTERVAL OR EXPRESSES INCAPACITY (e.g., `I can't think of any more.'). ENTER NUMBER OF ANIMALS NAMED (UP TO 75), OR 77 TO DEFER. EXCLUDE REPETITIONS. CREDIT IMAGINARY ANIMALS, BREEDS; MALE, FEMALE, AND INFANT NAMES OF SPECIES.] 1. Animal Total 0 .. 77
265 fruits Now I want you to name things that belong to another category: fruits and vegetables. You will have one minute. Tell me all the fruits and vegetables you can think of in one minute. Ready? Begin. [INTERVIEWER: BEGIN TIMER. WRITE RESPONSES ON TEST FORM. STOP TEST AT 60 SECONDS. *ONE* PROMPT (`Tell me all the fruits and vegetables you can think of.') IS PERMITTED *IF* R MAKES NO RESPONSE FOR A 15-SECOND INTERVAL OR EXPRESSES INCAPACITY (e.g., `I can't think of any more.'). ENTER NUMBER OF FRUITS AND VEGETABLES NAMED (UP TO 75), OR 77 TO DEFER. EXCLUDE REPETITIONS.] 2. Fruit/Vegetable Total 0 .. 77
266 catdom String[6]
267 sink1 COMPLEX IDEATIONAL MATERIAL I am going to ask you some questions that I want you to answer with a `yes' or `no.' Ready? [INTERVIEWER: A yes or no response is needed. One repetition of each item is permitted. Encourage guessing if necessary.] Will a board sink in water? 1= Yes 2= No
268 sink2 Will a stone sink in water? 1= Yes 2= No
269 hammer1 Is a hammer good for cutting wood? 1= Yes 2= No
270 hammer2 Can you use a hammer to pound nails? 1= Yes 2= No
271 flour1 Do two pounds of flour weigh more than one? 1= Yes 2= No
272 flour2 Is one pound of flour heavier than two? 1= Yes 2= No
273 boots1 Will water go through a good pair of rubber boots? 1= Yes 2= No
274 boots2 Will a good pair of rubber boots keep water out? 1= Yes 2= No
275 scidea 0 .. 8
276 iddom String[6]
277 mideas 0 .. 8
278 delay ADMINISTRATION: [SAY]: `I read you a little story a few minutes ago. Now I want you to tell me the story again. It was about a woman who was robbed. Tell me everything you can remember about that story.' [RECORD R'S STORY ON FORM. UNDERLINE EACH UNIT THAT IS PRESENT AND ENTER TOTAL BELOW.] [ENTER NUMBER OF UNITS RECALLED OR 77 TO DEFER] 0 .. 77
279 lm2dom String[6]
280 right2 That's right. Now I have some more numbers. Remember, you are to put them in order. If you can't recall all the numbers, I want you to guess. [READ DIGITS ONE PER SECOND, LETTING VOICE PITCH DROP ON LAST DIGIT. PROMPT R TO GUESS ONCE IF NO DIGITS ARE RECALLED.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
281 respond9 No. I said 2-8-3-2, so to put these in order, you would need to say 2-2-3-8. Now try these numbers. Remember, you are to put them in order. >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT PRACTICE ITEM <<<<<
282 respond10 I said 2-8-3-2, so to put these in order, you would need to say 2-2-3-8. Now try these numbers. Remember, you are to put them in order. >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR NEXT PRACTICE ITEM <<<<<
283 respond11 No, I said 2-1-3, so to put these in order, you would need to say 1-2-3. Now I have some more numbers. Remember, you are to put them in order. If you can't recall all the numbers, I want you to guess. [READ DIGITS ONE PER SECOND, LETTING VOICE PITCH DROP ON LAST DIGIT. PROMPT R TO GUESS ONCE IF NO DIGITS ARE RECALLED.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
284 respond12 I said 2-1-3, so to put these in order, you would need to say 1-2-3. Now I have some more numbers. Remember, you are to put them in order. If you can't recall all the numbers, I want you to guess. [READ DIGITS ONE PER SECOND, LETTING VOICE PITCH DROP ON LAST DIGIT. PROMPT R TO GUESS ONCE IF NO DIGITS ARE RECALLED.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
285 p1 ADMINISTRATION: SAY, `I am going to say some numbers. Listen carefully, and when I am through, I want you to put them in order, starting with the smallest number and going to the largest number. For example, if I say 4-7-1-4, you should say 1-4-4-7. Now try this one.' Practice 1. Ready? 2-8-3-2 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 4 DIGITS.] String[4]
286 p2 Practice 2. Ready? 2-1-3 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 3 DIGITS.] String[3]
288 item2 2. Here is another: 9-8 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 2 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[2]
289 item3 3. Here is another: 1-0-4 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 3 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[3]
290 item4 4. Here is another: 2-6-3 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 3 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[3]
291 item5 5. Here is another: 2-4-1-3 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 4 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[4]
292 item6 6. Here is another: 4-2-1-6 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 4 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[4]
293 item7 7. Here is another: 3-7-5-7-0 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 5 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[5]
294 item8 8. Here is another: 7-9-2-1-0 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 5 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[5]
295 item9 9. Here is another: 9-5-6-2-7-2 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 6 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[6]
296 item10 10. Here is another: 9-6-3-0-1-9 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 6 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[6]
297 item11 11. Here is another: 8-9-5-7-9-1-4 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 7 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[7]
298 item12 12. Here is another: 8-5-4-7-5-3-6 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 7 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[7]
299 item13 13. Here is another: 2-8-9-1-8-6-9-5 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 8 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[8]
300 item14 14. Here is another: 6-3-5-3-4-0-9-6 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 8 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[8]
301 item15 15. Here is another: 0-9-4-2-9-3-6-5-2 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 9 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[9]
302 item16 16. Here is another: 1-0-3-6-5-6-1-2-9 [ENTER RESPONSE OF UP TO 9 DIGITS. PROMPT GUESS IF NO DIGITS RECALLED.] String[9]
303 scdoperf 0 .. 16
304 mdigord 0 .. 16
305 admin11 ADMINISTRATION: [OPEN BOOKLET TO ITEM A1 AND SAY]: `Each of these figures [POINT TO NUMBERED FIGURES BELOW] is the right shape to fill this space [POINT] but only this one [POINT TO FIGURE 4] has the right pattern.' [PAUSE FOR R TO STUDY PROBLEM, THEN TURN BOOKLET TO A2.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
306 a2right `That's right.' [TURN BOOKLET TO A4.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
307 a2wrong1 `No, this piece [POINT TO FIGURE 5] would complete the pattern.' [TURN BOOKLET TO A4.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
308 a2wrong2 `This piece [POINT TO FIGURE 5] would complete the pattern.' [TURN BOOKLET TO A4.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
309 a4right `That's right. I have some more of these. In each case, I want you to show me the piece that completes the pattern.' [TURN BOOKLET TO A5.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
310 a4wrong1 `No, this piece [POINT TO FIGURE 2] would complete the pattern. I have some more of these. In each case, I want you to show me the piece that completes the pattern.' [TURN BOOKLET TO A5.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
311 a4wrong2 `This piece [POINT TO FIGURE 2] would complete the pattern. I have some more of these. In each case, I want you to show me the piece that completes the pattern.' [TURN BOOKLET TO A5.] >>>>> PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE <<<<<
312 a2 A2. `Now look at this problem. Tell me which piece down here [POINT] would complete the pattern up here [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED. IF R IS PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO PERFORM TEST, ENTER 66, THEN PRESS `END' TO GO TO NEXT SECTION.] 1 .. 66
313 a4 A4. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
314 a5 A5. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
315 a6 A6. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
316 a7 A7. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
317 a8 A8. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
318 a11 A11. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
319 a12 A12. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
320 b1 B1. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
321 b2 B2. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
322 b3 B3. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
323 b4 B4. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
324 b5 B5. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
325 b6 B6. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
326 b8 B8. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
327 b10 B10. `Tell me which piece [POINT] would complete the pattern [POINT].' [OR SAY `Which piece [POINT] came out of here [POINT]?' ENTER RESPONSE NUMBER. IF NO RESPONSE IN 30 SECONDS, SAY, `I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 15 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1 .. 66
328 scpmat 0 .. 16
329 mprogmat 0 .. 16
330 scpmsub 0 .. 9
331 pmdom String[6]
332 mprogsub 0 .. 9
333 q1ebmt Next, I'm going to read you a short story, and when I'm through, I'm going to wait a few seconds and then ask you to tell me as much as you can remember. The story is: [READ SLOWLY] Three children were alone at home and the house caught on fire. A brave fireman managed to climb in a back window and carry them to safety. Aside from minor cuts and bruises, all were well. [PAUSE FOR FIVE SECONDS] Please tell me the story. [WRITE STORY VERBATIM ON PAPER. THEN CODE WHETHER THE IDEAS BELOW WERE PRESENT OR ABSENT] 1. Three 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
334 q2ebmt 2. Children 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
335 q3ebmt 3. House 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
336 q4ebmt 4. On fire 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
337 q5ebmt 5. Fireman 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
338 q6ebmt 6. Climbed in 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
339 q7ebmt 7. Children 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
340 q8ebmt 8. Rescued 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
341 q9ebmt 9. Minor 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
342 q10ebmt 10. Injuries 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
343 q11ebmt 11. Everyone 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
344 q12ebmt 12. Well 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
345 scebmt 0 .. 12
346 mebmt 0 .. 12
347 intro1 Now we are going to try something a little different. Look at these boxes [POINT TO KEY AT TOP OF PAGE]. Notice that each box has a little mark in the upper part and a number in the lower part. Each mark has its own number. Now look down here [POINT]. Notice that the boxes on the top have marks, but the boxes on the bottom are empty. I want you to call out the number that goes with each mark. For example, look at the first mark and then look at the key [POINT]. The number 1 goes with the first mark. So you call out the number 1 for the first box. [POINT OUT NEXT 2 ANSWERS] A 5 goes with this mark, and a 2 goes with this mark. [HIT ENTER FOR NEXT QUESTION]
348 prow Now, what number belongs in the fourth box? [NUMBER 1] That's right. You have the idea. Now for practice, tell me the numbers that belong in the rest of the boxes. Use your finger as you move along the row so you don't get lost. [ASSIST AS NEEDED ON THE REMAINING ITEMS IN THE ROW. ENCOURAGE R TO USE INDEX FINGER. SAY 'Good', 'that's right' FOR EACH CORRECT RESPONSE. FOR INCORRECT RESPONSES SAY 'No, that's a' WHILE POINTING TO CORRECT ITEM IN KEY. RECORD RESPONSES FOR PRACTICE ROW. 1-3-6-2-4-1-6 IF R IS PHYSICALLY UNABLE TO PERFORM TEST, ENTER 6-6-6-6-6-6-6 String[7]
349 row1 Good, you know how to do them. I have some more of these I want you to do. As I show you each page, call out the numbers just like you have been doing until I say 'Stop.' If you make a mistake, tell me what you think the correct answer is. Do not skip any boxes and work as quickly as you can. Ready? [TURN PAGE, START TIMER AND SAY 'Begin.'STOP TIMER AFTER 90 SECONDS AND SAY 'Stop'] [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO NEXT SECTION] FIRST ROW --------------------------------------- 2 1 6 1 2 4 6 1 2 5 --------------------------------------- String[15]
350 row2 SECOND ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 6 3 4 1 2 6 9 4 3 8 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
351 row3 THIRD ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 4 5 7 8 1 3 7 4 8 5 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
352 row4 FOURTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 2 9 3 4 7 2 4 5 1 6 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
353 row5 FIFTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 4 1 5 6 7 9 8 3 6 4 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
354 row6 SIXTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 9 5 8 3 6 7 4 5 2 3 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
355 row7 SEVENTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 7 9 2 8 1 6 9 7 2 3 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
356 row8 EIGHTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 6 4 9 1 7 2 5 6 8 4 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
357 row9 NINTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 2 8 7 9 3 7 8 5 1 9 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
358 row10 TENTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 2 1 4 3 6 5 2 1 6 4 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
359 row11 ELEVENTH ROW [TURN PAGE AND SAY 'CONTINUE'] --------------------------------------- 2 1 6 9 7 3 5 4 8 9 --------------------------------------- [WHEN 90 SECONDS ARE UP, PRESS ENTER THEN END TO GO TO THE NEXT SECTION] String[15]
360 scsdmt 0 .. 110
361 sddom String[6]
362 mdigsym 0 .. 11
363 q1ebdr Please recall the short story I read a few moments ago and tell me as much as you can remember of the story now. [WRITE STORY VERBATIM ON PAPER THEN CODE WHETHER THE IDEAS WERE PRESENT OR ABSENT] 1. Three 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
364 q2ebdr 2. Children 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
365 q3ebdr 3. House 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
366 q4ebdr 4. On fire 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
367 q5ebdr 5. Fireman 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
368 q6ebdr 6. Climbed in 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
369 q7ebdr 7. Children 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
370 q8ebdr 8. Rescued 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
371 q9ebdr 9. Minor 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
372 q10ebdr 10. Injuries 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
373 q11ebdr 11. Everyone 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
374 q12ebdr 12. Well 1= Present 2= Absent 7= Problem
375 scebdr 0 .. 12
376 mebdr 0 .. 12
377 admin12 ADMINISTRATION: [SAY] `I want you to try to read the words in this booklet. Some of the words are hard to pronounce; just do the best you can.' [OPEN BOOKLET TO FIRST PAGE, POINT TO _ACHE_, AND SAY] `Begin here and try to read these words.' [ENTER RESPONSES BELOW. ENCOURAGE R TO TRY EACH WORD. RESPONSES CAN BE CHANGED. AT END OF EACH SET, TURN PAGE AND SAY, `Continue.'] >>>>> PRESS ENTER FOR FIRST ITEM <<<<<
378 jump2 Press END to skip to next section.
379 nart_ach 1. Ache ['_a_k] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
380 nart_ind 2. Indict [in'd_i_t] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
381 nart_deb 3. Debt ['det] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
382 nart_sie 4. Sieve ['siv] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
383 nart_pla 5. Placebo [pluh-'see-b_o_; pluh-'ch_a_-b_o_] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
384 nart_fac 6. Facade [fah-'sahd] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
385 nart_imp 7. Impugn [im-'py_u_n] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
386 nart_bla 8. Blatant ['bl_a_-tuhnt] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
387 nart_cav 9. Caveat ['kah-vee-aht; 'kav-ee-at] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
388 nart_cab 10. Cabal [kuh-'ball; kuh-'bal] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
389 screadnart 0 .. 10
390 mreadnart 0 .. 10
391 jump3 Press END to skip to next section.
392 wrat_red ADMINISTRATION:[PUT READING CHART IN FRONT OF R AND SAY:] Look at each of these words carefully {POINT]. Read the words, starting at the top of the page then going down, so I can hear you. When you finish the first line, go to the next line and so on. [IF R DOES NOT RESPOND IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NONRESPONSE CODE AND PROCEED.] 1. Red [`red] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
393 wrat_cit 2. City [`si-tee] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
394 wrat_bet 3. Between [bi-`tween] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
395 wrat_gru 4. Grunt [`grunt] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
396 wrat_plo 5. Plot [`plot] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
397 wrat_hum 6. Humidity [hyu-`mi-di-tee] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
398 wrat_cla 7. Clarify [`klar-i-fie] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
399 wrat_urg 8. Urge [urj] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
400 wrat_den 9. Deny [de-ny] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
401 wrat_qua 10. Quarantine [kwor-en-teen] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
402 wrat_mos 11. Mosaic [mo-zay-ik] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
403 wrat_aud 12. Audacious [aw-day-shus] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
404 wrat_mit 13. Mitosis [my-toe-sus] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
405 wrat_lon 14. Longevity [lon-je-ve-tee] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
406 wrat_bea 15. Beatify [bee-a-te-fie] [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct 2= Physically unable to perform test
407 screadwrat 0 .. 15
408 mreadwrat 0 .. 15
409 readwr 0 .. 15
410 rederror No, you should say red because this word is printed in red ink. [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.]
411 redcorr That's right. [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.]
412 bluerror No, you should say blue because this word is printed in blue ink. [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.]
413 blucorr Good. You know how to do these. [PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE.]
414 bluebox STROOP ADMINISTRATION [PUT COLOR CHART IN FRONT OF R AND SAY:] Look at these boxes [POINT]. 1. Point to the blue box. [ENTER CODE] 0= Error 1= Correct
415 greenbox 2. Point to the green box. [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct
416 graybox 3. Point to the gray box. [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct
417 redbox 4. Point to the red box. [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct
418 readatm [REMOVE COLOR CHART. PUT FORM C IN FRONT OF R AND SAY:] Good. Next I want you to read these words [POINT] aloud as quickly as you can. I want you to begin here [POINT TO THE FIRST WORD (BLUE) IN COLUMN 1] and read down this column [POINT DOWN COLUMN 1] and then move to the next column [POINT TO TOP OF COLUMN 2 AND SWEEP DOWN COLUMN] and so on [POINT TO COLUMNS 3 AND 4]. Read the words aloud as quickly as you can until I say 'STOP'. If you make a mistake, just correct yourself and keep going. Ready? [POINT TO FIRST WORD IN COLUMN 1, START TIMER AND SAY 'Begin'. CROSS THROUGH INCORRECT RESPONSS ON FORM. IF R ASKS FOR REINSTRUCTION, SAY 'Read the words aloud as quickly as possible'. AFTER 30 SECONDS, SAY 'Stop' AND CIRCLE NUMBER OF LAST ITEM ATTEMPTED.] [ENTER NUMBER OF WORDS ATTEMPTED OR 88 TO DEFER] __ __ words attempted 0 .. 88
419 readinc [ENTER NUMBER OF WORDS READ INCORRECTLY OR 88 TO DEFER] __ __ words read incorrectly 0 .. 88
420 practred [REMOVE FORM C. PUT FORM C-W IN FRONT OF R AND SAY:] Good. Next, I want you to name the color of ink- red, blue, green, or gray- in which each word is printed. For practice, tell me the color of ink this word is printed in [POINT TO THE FIRST WORD]. [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct
421 practblu Try this next one [POINT TO THE SECOND WORD]. What color of ink is it printed in? [ENTER CODE.] 0= Error 1= Correct
422 coloratm I want you to start here [POINT TO THE FIRST WORD IN COLUMN 1] and go down this column [POINT DOWN COLUMN 1] and then move to the next column [POINT TO TOP OF COLUMN 2 AND SWEEP DOWN COLUMN] and so on [POINT TO COLUMNS 3 AND 4], naming the color of ink for each of these words as quickly as you can until I say 'STOP'. If you make a mistake, just correct yourself and keep going. Ready? [POINT TO FIRST WORD IN COLUMN 1, START TIMER AND SAY 'Begin'. CROSS THROUGH INCORRECT RESPONSES ON FORM. IF R ASKS FOR REINSTRUCTION, SAY 'Name the color of ink for each word as quickly as possible'. AFTER 30 SECONDS, SAY 'Stop' AND CIRCLE NUMBER OF LAST ITEM ATTEMPTED.] [ENTER NUMBER OF COLORS ATTEMPTED OR 88 TO DEFER] __ __ colors attempted 0 .. 88
423 colorinc [ENTER NUMBER OF COLORS NAMED INCORRECTLY OR 88 TO DEFER] __ __ colors named incorrectly 0 .. 88
424 smell1 SMELL TEST IDENTIFICATION ADMINISTRATION [SAY]: 'I want to see if you can identify different smells. For each smell, I will scratch a card with my pencil, and then ask you to smell the card and tell me which of 4 choices it smells like. 1. 'Here is the first one.' [SCRATCH CARD 1 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like fruit, cinnamon, a woody smell, or coconut?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Fruit 2= Cinnamon 3= Woody smell 4= Coconut
425 smell2 2. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 2 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like turpentine, soap, dog, or black pepper?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Turpentine 2= Soap 3= Dog 4= Black Pepper
426 smell3 3. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 3 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like motor oil, garlic, rose, or lemon?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Motor oil 2= Garlic 3= Rose 4= Lemon
427 smell4 4. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 4 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like apples, grass, smoke, or grape?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.'[IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Apples 2= Grass 3= Smoke 4= Grape
428 smell5 5. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 5 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like lemon, chocolate, strawberry, or black pepper?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Lemon 2= Chocolate 3= Strawberry 4= Black Pepper
429 smell6 6. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 6 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like mint, rose, lime, or fruit?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Mint 2= Rose 3= Lime 4= Fruit
430 smell7 7. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 7 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like watermelon, peanut, rose, or paint thinner?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.'[IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Watermelon 2= Peanut 3= Rose 4= Paint Thinner
431 smell8 8. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 8 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like banana, garlic, cherry, or motor oil?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Banana 2= Garlic 3= Cherry 4= Motor Oil
432 smell9 9. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 9 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like smoke, whiskey, pineapple, or onion?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Smoke 2= Whiskey 3= Pineapple 4= Onion
433 smell10 10. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 10 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like rose, lemon, apple, or gasoline?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Rose 2= Lemon 3= Apple 4= Gasoline
434 smell11 11. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 11 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like soap, black pepper, chocolate, or peanut?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Soap 2= Black Pepper 3= Chocolate 4= Peanut
435 smell12 12. 'Here is another.' [SCRATCH CARD 12 AND PROMPTLY PRESENT TO R TO SMELL, HELPING IF NECESSARY. AS R SNIFFS, SAY:] 'Does this smell most like chocolate, banana, onion, or fruit?' [ENTER RESPONSE CODE.] [YOU MAY REPEAT RESPONSE OPTIONS AND R MAY REPEAT SNIFFS. IF NO RESPONSE IS GIVEN IN 15 SECONDS SAY:] 'I want you to make your best guess. Just pick one.' [IF NO RESPONSE IN 10 SECONDS, ENTER NON-RESPONSE CODE.] 1= Chocolate 2= Banana 3= Onion 4= Fruit
436 scsmell 0 .. 12
437 msmell 0 .. 12
438 howwell 1. INTERVIEWER OBSERVATIONS How well do you think the participant understood the questions? 1= Quite well 2= Fairly well 3= Somewhat 4= Very Little 5= Not at all
439 hearimp 2. Does the participant have a SUBSTANTIAL hearing impairment? 1= Yes 2= No
440 visimp 3. Does the participant have a SUBSTANTIAL visual impariment? 1= Yes, completely blind 2= Yes, very poor 3= Yes, poor 4= No, not substantial
441 phyeffrt 4. How great an effort do you think the participant put into the physical function items? 1= A great deal 2= A considerable amount 3= A moderate amount 4= A little bit 5= Hardly any
442 formcode Please enter status code. 11 = COMPLETE 13 = COMPLETE, portion with proxy 12 = INCOMPLETE, refused 14 = INCOMPLETE, too impaired 21 = INCOMPLETE interim, complete later 73 = NOT TESTED, out of town 31 = NOT TESTED, moved 33 = NOT TESTED, refused 75 = NOT TESTED, hospitalized 76 = NOT TESTED, other 42 = DECEASED 43 = WITHDRAWN 44 = WITHDRAWN, Autopsy OK 11 .. 76
443 formpart Was participant reluctant, and/or does participant have special needs? 1= Yes 2= No
444 formcomm Please explain reluctance or any other factors which may have affected this data. [Press enter if no comment needed.] String[120]
445 statid Please enter you staff id. 100 .. 997
446 formch Has the form been modified? 1= Yes 2= No
447 revidate Enter the date that the form was modified. Date type
448 revintd Enter your staff id number. 100 .. 997
449 anydev Are there any comments to enter? 1= Yes 2= No
450 numdev How many total comments to enter? 1 .. 25
451 reas00 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
452 test00 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
453 item00 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
454 code00 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
455 oth00 Enter other code used. String[20]
456 expl00 Explain what happened String[100]
457 reas01 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
458 test01 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
459 item01 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
460 code01 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
461 oth01 Enter other code used. String[20]
462 expl01 Explain what happened String[100]
463 reas02 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
464 test02 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
465 item02 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
466 code02 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
467 oth02 Enter other code used. String[20]
468 expl02 Explain what happened String[100]
469 reas03 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
470 test03 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
471 item03 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
472 code03 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
473 oth03 Enter other code used. String[20]
474 expl03 Explain what happened String[100]
475 reas04 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
476 test04 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
477 item04 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
478 code04 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
479 oth04 Enter other code used. String[20]
480 expl04 Explain what happened String[100]
481 reas05 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
482 test05 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
483 item05 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
484 code05 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
485 oth05 Enter other code used. String[20]
486 expl05 Explain what happened String[100]
487 reas06 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
488 test06 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
489 item06 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
490 code06 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
491 oth06 Enter other code used. String[20]
492 expl06 Explain what happened String[100]
493 reas07 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
494 test07 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
495 item07 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
496 code07 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
497 oth07 Enter other code used. String[20]
498 expl07 Explain what happened String[100]
499 reas08 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
500 test08 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
501 item08 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
502 code08 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
503 oth08 Enter other code used. String[20]
504 expl08 Explain what happened String[100]
505 reas09 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
506 test09 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
507 item09 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
508 code09 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
509 oth09 Enter other code used. String[20]
510 expl09 Explain what happened String[100]
511 reas10 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
512 test10 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
513 item17 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
514 code10 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
515 oth10 Enter other code used. String[20]
516 expl10 Explain what happened String[100]
517 reas11 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
518 test11 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
519 item18 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
520 code11 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
521 oth11 Enter other code used. String[20]
522 expl11 Explain what happened String[100]
523 reas12 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
524 test12 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
525 item19 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
526 code12 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
527 oth12 Enter other code used. String[20]
528 expl12 Explain what happened String[100]
529 reas13 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
530 test13 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
531 item20 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
532 code13 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
533 oth13 Enter other code used. String[20]
534 expl13 Explain what happened String[100]
535 reas14 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
536 test14 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
537 item21 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
538 code14 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
539 oth14 Enter other code used. String[20]
540 expl14 Explain what happened String[100]
541 reas15 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
542 test15 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
543 item22 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
544 code15 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
545 oth15 Enter other code used. String[20]
546 expl15 Explain what happened String[100]
547 reas16 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
548 test16 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
549 item23 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
550 code16 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
551 oth16 Enter other code used. String[20]
552 expl16 Explain what happened String[100]
553 reas17 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
554 test17 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
555 item24 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
556 code17 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
557 oth17 Enter other code used. String[20]
558 expl17 Explain what happened String[100]
559 reas18 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
560 test18 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
561 item25 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
562 code18 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
563 oth18 Enter other code used. String[20]
564 expl18 Explain what happened String[100]
565 reas19 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
566 test19 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
567 item26 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
568 code19 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
569 oth19 Enter other code used. String[20]
570 expl19 Explain what happened String[100]
571 reas20 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
572 test20 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
573 item27 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
574 code20 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
575 oth20 Enter other code used. String[20]
576 expl20 Explain what happened String[100]
577 reas21 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
578 test21 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
579 item28 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
580 code21 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
581 oth21 Enter other code used. String[20]
582 expl21 Explain what happened String[100]
583 reas22 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
584 test22 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
585 item29 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
586 code22 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
587 oth22 Enter other code used. String[20]
588 expl22 Explain what happened String[100]
589 reas23 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
590 test23 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
591 item30 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
592 code23 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
593 oth23 Enter other code used. String[20]
594 expl23 Explain what happened String[100]
595 reas24 Comment or Missing Data? 1= Comment 2= Missing Data
596 test24 Enter test or procedure.[Scroll right for entire list] 1= MMSE 2= Logical Mem I-Story 3= Boston Naming 4= Word List 5= Number Comparison 6= Word List Recall 7= Word List Recognition 8= Line Orientation 9= Digits Forward 10= Digits Backward 11= Category Fluency 12= Complex Ideas 13= Logical Mem II-Story Recall 14= Digit Ordering 15= Progressive Matrices 16= East Boston Story I 17= NART Reading Test 18= WRAT Reading Test 19= Alpha Span 20= Symbol Digit 21= East Boston Story II- Recall 22= Stroop test 23= Smell test
597 item31 List items involved. [SEPARATE BY A COMMA] String[20]
598 code24 Enter data code used. 1= Don't Know 2= Refusal 3= other
599 oth24 Enter other code used. String[20]
600 expl24 Explain what happened String[100]
601 comm Comments String[120]
602 dosmell Will the participant complete the smell test? 1= Yes 2= No

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