Data Dictionary for radcdcf

Number of Blaise fields: 150

Seq # Var Question Data Type/Coding
1 versiondate Version Date
2 formdescr Form Description
3 formno Form Number String[8]
4 version Version Number String[10]
5 projid ^formdescr Form: ^formno Version: ^version (^versiondate) Enter project ID number. String[8]
6 visit Enter curent visit code from face sheet: CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year 00 = Baseline 08 = 8th F/U 16 = 16th F/U 24 = 24th F/U 01 = 1st F/U 09 = 9th F/U 17 = 17th F/U 25 = 25th F/U 02 = 2nd F/U 10 = 10th F/U 18 = 18th F/U 26 = 26th F/U 03 = 3rd F/U 11 = 11th F/U 19 = 19th F/U 27 = 27th F/U 04 = 4th F/U 12 = 12th F/U 20 = 20th F/U 28 = 28th F/U 05 = 5th F/U 13 = 13th F/U 21 = 21th F/U 29 = 29th F/U 06 = 6th F/U 14 = 14th F/U 22 = 22th F/U 30 = 30th F/U 07 = 7th F/U 15 = 15th F/U 23 = 23th F/U 31 = 30th F/U ... 50 = 50th F/U String[2]
7 baseyear Enter year of baseline from face sheet: 1993 .. 2025
8 autodate Automatic Date. Date type
9 autotime Automatic Time. TimeType
10 autolog Automatic Logged Date. Date type
11 intid INTERVIEWER ID 100 .. 997
12 compid Laptop ID String[20]
13 dateint Date of interview Date type
14 educ ^educ_question Elementary 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 High School 9 10 11 12 College 13 14 15 16 Graduate Professional 17 18 19 20 21 ... 0 .. 30
15 ivisit visit
16 cogloss NEUROLOGISTS IMPRESSION OF CLINICAL EVALUATION DATA [EXAMINER: REVIEW CLINICAL EVALUATION SUMMARY DATA PRIOR TO SEEING SUBJECT.] Record whether subject asserts that (s)he has experienced loss of memory or other cognitive function(s). 1= Yes 2= No
17 cogdom Record number of [POSSIBLE, MILD, MODERATE or SEVERE] impaired cognitive domains. 1= NO impaired or possible impaired domains 2= ONE or more possible impaired domains with NO impaired domains 3= ONE impaired domain 4= TWO impaired domains 5= THREE impaired domains 6= FOUR impaired domains 7= FIVE impaired domains
18 memimp Record the presence of memory impairment. 1= No memory impairment 2= Possible memory impairment 3= MILD, MODERATE OR SEVERE memory impairment
19 parkdom Record the number of impaired parkinsonian domains. 1= None 2= One 3= Two 4= Three or four
20 bradtrem Record the presence of bradykinesia and or resting tremor. 1= Both bradykinesia and resting tremor 2= Bradykinesia only 3= Resting tremor only 4= Neither brady nor resting tremor
21 potndrg Is the subject taking a drug with the potential to cause parkinsonism? 1= Yes 2= No
22 amelidrg Is the subject taking a drug with the potential to ameliorate parkinsonian signs? 1= Yes 2= No
23 strkhist Based on review of the signs and symptoms associated with the subject's most recent stroke, is the history, in your opinion, consistent with stroke(s)? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
24 langimp Based on review of the signs and symptoms associated with the subject's stroke(s), in your opinion, DID the subject have impairment of memory, language or other cognitive function(s) temporally related to his/her reported history of stroke(s)? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
25 neurdef1 Based on review of the neurologic examination data, in your opinion, DOES the subject [currently] have a neurologic deficit(s) consistent with stroke(s)? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
26 neurptrn In your opinion, are the neurologic examination findings consistent with a stroke which causes or contributes to cognitive impairment? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
27 depmood Record presence of depressed mood. 1= Yes 2= No
28 vegsign Record the number of vegetative signs. 1= 0-3 2= 4-5 3= 6-8
29 gaitdist GAIT DISTURBANCE. Shuffling (Parkinsonian) gait. [EXAMINER: LOSS OF HEEL-TOE WALK WITH LOW FOOT CLEARANCE.] 1= None 2= Walks slowly, may take short steps. Could be normal 3= Walks slowly, shuffles, no festination or propulsion 4= Walks with difficulty, shuffles, may festinate or propulse, requires no assistance 5= Severe disturbance of gait, shuffles, may festinate or propulse 6= Can not walk at all due to shuffling gait, not even with assistance
30 othgait Other gait abnormality: Antalgic gait. [EXAMINER: LIMP, MAY BE DUE TO PAIN IN BACK, HIP(S), KNEE(S), ANKLE(S), FOOT/FEET AND/OR TOE(S).] 1= Yes 2= Suspect 3= No
31 gaitspec Specify. String[40]
33 npath Neuropathic gait. [EXAMINER: STEPPAGE (EQUINE) GAIT WITH HIGH FOOT CLEARANCE.] 1= Yes 2= Suspect 3= No
34 hemipa Hemiparetic gait. [EXAMINER: REDUCED FLEXION, WITH CIRCUMDUCTION OF RIGHT OR LEFT LEG.] 1= No hemiparesis 2= Possible right hemiparesis 3= Definite right hemiparesis 4= Possible left hemiparesis 5= Definite left hemiparesis
35 parap Paraparetic gait. [EXAMINER: ADDUCTION, AND REDUCED FLEXION OF BOTH LOWER LEGS.] 1= Yes 2= Suspect 3= No
36 abnorm Other gait abnormality. 1= Yes 2= Suspect 3= No
37 descabn Describe gait. String[40]
38 rtatr1 Right Hand Atrophy [EXAMINER: OBSERVE THE RIGHT HAND FOR ATROPHY BETWEEN THE THUMB AND INDEX FINGER. (FDI)] 1= None 2= Possible 3= Mild 4= Moderate 5= Severe
39 rtatr2 [EXAMINER: OBSERVE THE RIGHT THENAR EMINANCE FOR ATROPHY.] 1= None 2= Possible 3= Mild 4= Moderate 5= Severe
40 ltatr1 Left Hand Atrophy [EXAMINER: OBSERVE THE LEFT HAND FOR ATROPHY BETWEEN THE THUMB AND INDEX FINGER. (FDI)] 1= None 2= Possible 3= Mild 4= Moderate 5= Severe
41 ltatr2 [EXAMINER: OBSERVE THE LEFT THENAR EMINANCE FOR ATROPHY. 1= None 2= Possible 3= Mild 4= Moderate 5= Severe
42 rtleg Right leg atrophy [EXAMINER: PALPATE THE RIGHT ANTERIOR SHIN FOR ATROPHY] 1= None 2= Possible 3= Mild 4= Moderate 5= Severe
43 ltleg Left leg atrophy [EXAMINER: PALPATE THE LEFT ANTERIOR SHIN FOR ATROPHY] 1= None 2= Possible 3= Mild 4= Moderate 5= Severe
44 myelopat BILATERAL Hyper-reflexia 1= No 2= Upper extremities only 3= Lower extremities only 4= Upper and lower extremities
45 babin Babinski sign(s). 1= None 2= Right only 3= Left Only 4= Both
46 meanfdec [EXAMINER: RENDER YOUR OPINION REGARDING COGNITIVE DECLINE AFTER REVIEWING THE CLINICAL EVALUATION SUMMARY DATA AND SPEAKING WITH SUBJECT] Based on review of all available data and your interaction with the subject, in your opinion, has (s)he experienced a meaningful decline in cognitive function relative to a previous level of performance? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
47 dementia DIAGNOSTIC IMPRESSION [EXAMINER: complete the diagnostic impression for each diagnosis independent of all other diagnoses. Using clinical judgement, you may clarify, repeat or expand upon any part of the history or examination. If your clinical diagnosis differs from the algorithmic diagnosis, dictate a note of explanation.] DEMENTIA. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
48 dement1 For Dementia: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^a1^a2^a3^a4 Do you agree with it? ^note 1= Yes 2= No
49 dement2 For Dementia, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
50 dement3 For DEMENTIA: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^a1^a2^a3^a4 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^k1^k2^k3^k4 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[40]
51 scdement String[20]
52 alzhm ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
53 alzhm1 For Alzheimer's disease: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^a5^a6^a7^a8 Do you agree with it? ^note 1= Yes 2= No
54 alzhm2 For Alzheimer's disease, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
55 alzhm3 For ALZHEIMER's DISEASE: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^a5^a6^a7^a8 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^k5^k6^k7^k8 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[40]
56 scalzhm String[20]
57 parkism PARKINSONISM. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
58 parkism1 For Parkinsonism: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^a9^a10^a11^a12 Do you agree with it? 1= Yes 2= No
59 parkism2 For Parkinsonism, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
60 parkism9 For PARKINSONISM: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^a9^a10^a11^a12 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^l1^l2^l3^l4 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[150]
61 scprkism String[20]
62 parkins PARKINSON'S DISEASE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
63 parkins1 For Parkinson's disease: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^b1^b2^b3^b4 Do you agree with it? 1= Yes 2= No
64 parkins2 For Parkinson's disease, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
65 parkins9 For PARKINSON's DISEASE: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^b1^b2^b3^b4 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^l5^l6^l7^l8 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[150]
66 cipark COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO PARKINSON'S DISEASE? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
67 dipark DRUG-INDUCED PARKINSONISM. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
68 lewydis LEWY BODY DISEASE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
69 psp PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY (PSP). 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
70 msa MULTI-SYMPTOM ATROPHY (MSA). 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
71 parkstrk PARKINSONISM DUE TO STROKE (CEREBROVASCULAR DISEASE)? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
73 parkoth2 Specify: String[250]
74 trem2 Do you think this person's parkinsonism would improve with sinemet or another agent used to treat Parkinson's disease, i.e. DO YOU THINK THIS PERSON MEETS COMMONLY ACCEPTED CRITERIA FOR IDIOPATHIC PARKINSON'S DISEASE? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
75 scprkins String[20]
76 stk1 STROKE Based on your evaluation, is the history, in your opinion, consistent with stroke(s)? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
77 stk2 Based on your evaluation, DID the subject, in your opinion, have impairment of memory, language, or other cognitive function(s) temporally related to his/her reported history of stroke(s)? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
78 stk3 Based on your neurologic examination, DOES the subject [currently], in your opinion, have a neurologic deficit(s) consistent with stroke(s)? 1= Yes 2= Possible 3= No
79 stroke STROKE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
80 stroke1 For Stroke: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^b5^b6^b7^b8 Based on the review of the stroke history and neurologic examination from this evaluation and previous evaluations, and review of the brain scan, if applicable, do you agree with it? 1= Yes 2= No
81 stroke2 For Stroke, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
82 stroke3 For STROKE: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^b5^b6^b7^b8 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^m1^m2^m3^m4 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[40]
83 scstroke String[20]
84 summary SUMMARY OF ALL ALGORITHMIC DIAGNOSES FOR: ^IntroBlock.projid Eval. Date: ^IntroBlock.dateint Disease Algorithmic Dx Doc Agreed? Doc's Dx 1. Dementia ^a1^a2^a3^a4 ^ce.dement1 ^ce.scDEMENT 2. Alzheimers Disease ^a5^a6^a7^a8 ^ce.alzhm1 ^ce.scALZHM 3. Parkinsonism ^a9^a10^a11^a12 ^ce.parkism1 ^ce.scPRKISM 4. Parkinson's Disease ^b1^b2^b3^b4 ^ce.parkins1 ^ce.scPRKINS 5. Stroke ^b5^b6^b7^b8 ^ce.stroke1 ^ce.scSTROKE 6. CI due to Stroke ^b9^b10^b11^b12 ^cistrk1 ^scCISTRK 7. Depression ^c1^c2^c3^c4 ^dep1 ^scDEP Cog. Impairment: ^impcog Mem. Impairment: ^impmem Pcpnt. evaluated: ^yn <<<< Hit ENTER to go to comment screen >>>>
85 cistroke COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO STROKE? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
86 cistrk1 For Cognitive Impairment due to stroke: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^b9^b10^b11^b12 Based on the review of the stroke history and neurologic examination from this evaluation and previous evaluations, and review of the brain scan, if applicable, do you agree with it? 1= Yes 2= No
87 cistrk2 For Cognitive Impairment due to stroke, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
88 cistrk3 For CI DUE TO STROKE: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^b9^b10^b11^b12 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^m5^m6^m7^m8 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[40]
89 newex Based on the review of the stroke history and neurologic examination from this evaluation and previous evaluations, and review of the brain scan, if applicable, in your opinion, did the subject have one or more stroke(s) since the last evaluation? 1= One stroke 2= Two strokes 3= Three strokes 4= More than three strokes
90 clinone Clinical impression of stroke one. 1= Aphasia with hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and/or homonymous hemianopia. 2= Non-dominant hemispheral syndrome with hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and/or homonymous hemianopia. 3= Anterior cerebral syndrome. 4= Aphasia without other signs. 5= Homonymous hemianopia without other signs. 6= Homonymous hemianopia with associated behavioral signs. 7= Non-dominant behavioral signs. 8= Pure motor hemiparesis. 9= Pure sensory-motor stroke. 10= Ataxic-hemiparesis. 11= Dysarthria-clumsy hand. 12= Brainstem and/or cerebellar syndrome. 13= Other 77= Not applicable
91 clinspf1 Specify. String[30]
92 clintwo Clinical impression of stroke two. 1= Aphasia with hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and/or homonymous hemianopia. 2= Non-dominant hemispheral syndrome with hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and/or homonymous hemianopia. 3= Anterior cerebral syndrome. 4= Aphasia without other signs. 5= Homonymous hemianopia without other signs. 6= Homonymous hemianopia with associated behavioral signs. 7= Non-dominant behavioral signs. 8= Pure motor hemiparesis. 9= Pure sensory-motor stroke. 10= Ataxic-hemiparesis. 11= Dysarthria-clumsy hand. 12= Brainstem and/or cerebellar syndrome. 13= Other 77= Not applicable
93 clinspf2 Specify. String[30]
94 clinthre Clinical impression of stroke three. 1= Aphasia with hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and/or homonymous hemianopia. 2= Non-dominant hemispheral syndrome with hemiparesis, hemisensory loss, and/or homonymous hemianopia. 3= Anterior cerebral syndrome. 4= Aphasia without other signs. 5= Homonymous hemianopia without other signs. 6= Homonymous hemianopia with associated behavioral signs. 7= Non-dominant behavioral signs. 8= Pure motor hemiparesis. 9= Pure sensory-motor stroke. 10= Ataxic-hemiparesis. 11= Dysarthria-clumsy hand. 12= Brainstem and/or cerebellar syndrome. 13= Other 77= Not applicable
95 clinspf3 Specify. String[30]
96 sccistrk String[20]
97 dep DEPRESSION. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
98 dep1 For Depression: the algorithmic diagnosis is ^c1^c2^c3^c4 Do you agree with it? 1= Yes 2= No
99 dep2 For Depression, please enter your own diagnosis. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
100 dep3 For DEPRESSION: The Algorithmic Diagnosis is: ^c1^c2^c3^c4 Doctor's Diagnosis is: ^n1^n2^n3^n4 PLEASE specify why your diagnosis is different. String[40]
101 cidep COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO DEPRESSION? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
102 scdep String[20]
103 alcabuse ALCOHOL ABUSE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
104 cialc COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO ALCOHOL ABUSE? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
105 hypothy HYPOTHYROIDISM. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
106 cihypoth COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO HYPOTHYROIDISM? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
107 subcd SUBACUTE COMBINED DEGENERATION. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
108 cisubcd COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO SUBACUTE COMBINED DEGENERATION? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
109 braindam TRAUMATIC BRAIN DAMAGE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
110 cibrain COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO TRAUMATIC BRAIN DAMAGE? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
111 symhydr SYMPTOMATIC HYDROCEPHALUS. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
112 cisymhyd COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO SYMPTOMATIC HYDROCEPHALUS? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
113 picks PICK'S/FRONTAL LOBE DISEASE OR PROGRESSIVE APHASIA. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
114 cipicks COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO PICK'S/FRONTAL LOBE DISEASE OR PROGRESSIVE APHASIA? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
115 mentalr MENTAL RETARDATION. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
116 neusyph NEUROSYPHILIS. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
117 cineusyp COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO NEUROSYPHILIS? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
118 multisc MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
119 cimulti COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
120 braintum BRAIN TUMOR. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
121 cibraint COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO BRAIN TUMOR? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
122 hunt HUNTINGTON'S DISEASE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
123 jakob CREUTZFELDT-JAKOB DISEASE. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
124 hiv HIV. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
125 cihiv COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO HIV? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
126 othdiag1 OTHER NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS? 1= Yes 2= No
127 othspe1 SPECIFY String[30]
128 othcat1 ^othspe1. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
129 ciothsp1 COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO ^othspe1? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
130 pkotsp1 PARKINSONISM DUE TO ^othspe1? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
131 othdiag2 OTHER NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS? 1= Yes 2= No
132 othspe2 SPECIFY String[30]
133 othcat2 ^othspe2. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
134 ciothsp2 COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO ^othspe2? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
135 pkotsp2 PARKINSONISM DUE TO ^othspe2? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
136 othdiag3 OTHER NEUROLOGIC DIAGNOSIS? 1= Yes 2= No
137 othspe3 SPECIFY String[30]
138 othcat3 ^othspe3. 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
139 ciothsp3 COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT DUE TO ^othspe3? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
140 pkotsp3 PARKINSONISM DUE TO ^othspe3? 1= Highly Probable 2= Probable 3= Possible 4= Not Present
141 evaldcf Did clinician evaluate participant for DCF? 1= yes 2= no
142 comments Please enter your comments here: String[150]
143 autoedtm [COMPUTER CLOCK TIME] String[8]
144 formcode Please enter status code. 11 = COMPLETE 13 = COMPLETE, portion with proxy 12 = INCOMPLETE, refused 14 = INCOMPLETE, too impaired 21 = INCOMPLETE interim, complete later 73 = NOT TESTED, out of town 31 = NOT TESTED, moved 33 = NOT TESTED, refused 75 = NOT TESTED, hospitalized 76 = NOT TESTED, other 42 = DECEASED 43 = WITHDRAWN 44 = WITHDRAWN, Autopsy OK 11 .. 76
145 formpart Was participant reluctant, and/or does participant have special needs? 1= Yes 2= No
146 formcomm Please explain reluctance or any other factors which may have affected this data. [Press enter if no comment needed.] String[120]
147 statid Please enter you staff id. 100 .. 997
148 formch Has the form been modified? 1= Yes 2= No
149 revidate Enter the date that the form was modified. Date type
150 revintd Enter your staff id number. 100 .. 997

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