Data Dictionary for cedhaurblf

Number of Blaise fields: 47

Seq # Var Question Data Type/Coding
1 versiondate Version Date
2 formdescr Form Description
3 formno Form Number String[10]
4 version Version Number String[4]
5 projid ^formdescr Form: ^formno Version: ^version (^versiondate) Enter project ID number. String[8]
6 visit Enter curent visit code from face sheet: CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year CODE F/U Year 00 = Baseline 08 = 8th F/U 16 = 16th F/U 24 = 24th F/U 01 = 1st F/U 09 = 9th F/U 17 = 17th F/U 25 = 25th F/U 02 = 2nd F/U 10 = 10th F/U 18 = 18th F/U 26 = 26th F/U 03 = 3rd F/U 11 = 11th F/U 19 = 19th F/U 27 = 27th F/U 04 = 4th F/U 12 = 12th F/U 20 = 20th F/U 28 = 28th F/U 05 = 5th F/U 13 = 13th F/U 21 = 21th F/U 29 = 29th F/U 06 = 6th F/U 14 = 14th F/U 22 = 22th F/U 30 = 30th F/U 07 = 7th F/U 15 = 15th F/U 23 = 23th F/U String[2]
7 baseyear Enter year of baseline from face sheet: 1993 .. 2025
8 autodate Automatic Date. Date type
9 autotime Automatic Time. TimeType
10 autolog Automatic Logged Date. Date type
11 intid INTERVIEWER ID 100 .. 997
12 compid Laptop id String[7]
13 dateint Date of interview Date type
14 gender Enter participant's gender. 1= Male 2= Female 3= Transgender
15 igender Which gender do you identify with? 1= Male 2= Female
16 evict 1. Have you been evicted in the past five years? 0= No 1= Yes
17 evictnum 1a. If so, how many times? 1 .. 10
18 moves 2. How many times have you moved from a place where you received mail, in the past five years? 0 .. 15
19 homeless 3. Have you been homeless in the past five years? 0= No 1= Yes
20 residence 4. What type of residence do you live in? 1= Single family home 2= Apartment/condominium 3= Shelter 4= Single room occupancy 5= Senior/Assisted Living
21 resown 4a. Do you own this residence? 0= No 1= Yes
22 reselse 4b. Do you live with someone else? 0= No 1= Yes
23 utilities 5. Have any of your utilities ever been turned off? 0= No 1= Yes
24 utiloften 5a. If so, how many times in the past 5 years? 0 .. 5
25 homeown 6. Have you ever owned a home? 0= No 1= Yes
26 bank 7. Do you have an active bank account? 0= No 1= Yes
27 credit 8. Do you have a credit card? 0= No 1= Yes
28 homeph 9. Do you have a home phone? 0= No 1= Yes
29 cellph 10. Do you own a cell phone? 0= No 1= Yes
30 celloff 10a. If so, has your phone been turned off in the past five years? 0= No 1= Yes
31 celloffx 10b. How many times? 1 .. 10
32 laidoff 11. Have you been laid off in the past five years? 0= No 1= Yes
33 violence 12. Have you ever witnessed or been a victim of violence? 0= No 1= Yes
34 policebrt 13. Have you ever witnessed or been a victim of police brutality? 0= No 1= Yes
35 safe 14. Do you feel safe in your current neighborhood? 0= No 1= Yes
36 physexam 15. Have you had a physical exam in the past year? 0= No 1= Yes
37 eyeex 16. Have you had an eye exam in the past year? 0= No 1= Yes
38 dentex 17. Have you had a dental exam in the past year? 0= No 1= Yes
39 hungry 18. Have you gone hungry or without food for over 24 hours, in the past year? 0= No 1= Yes
40 transport 19. Did you have a hard time getting to your appointment because of transportation? 0= No 1= Yes
41 formcode Please enter status code. 11 = COMPLETE 13 = COMPLETE, portion with proxy 12 = INCOMPLETE, refused 14 = INCOMPLETE, too impaired 21 = INCOMPLETE interim, complete later 73 = NOT TESTED, out of town 31 = NOT TESTED, moved 33 = NOT TESTED, refused 75 = NOT TESTED, hospitalized 76 = NOT TESTED, other 42 = DECEASED 43 = WITHDRAWN 44 = WITHDRAWN, Autopsy OK 11 .. 76
42 formpart Was participant reluctant, and/or does participant have special needs? 1= Yes 2= No
43 formcomm Please explain reluctance or any other factors which may have affected this data. [Press enter if no comment needed.] String[120]
44 statid Please enter you staff id. 100 .. 997
45 formch Has the form been modified? 1= Yes 2= No
46 revidate Enter the date that the form was modified. Date type
47 revintd Enter your staff id number. 100 .. 997

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