NACC UDS Compatible Data

A subset of the interview, cognitive, and diagnostic data collected on the RADC cohort studies is compatible with Uniform Data Set (UDS) data stored a NACC. The tables below show the forms and variables that are available as a prepared dataset through a data request.

By Form

UDS Form Form Name # of matching items
A1 Subject Demographics 16
A5 Subject Health History 21
B1 Physical 6
B8 Neurological Exam Findings 7
B9 Clinical Judgment of Symptoms 7
C1 Neuropsychological Battery Summary Scores 22
D1 Clinician Diagnosis 43
D2 Clinical Assessed Medical Conditions 8

By Data Field

Form Field NACC Description
A1 BIRTHMO Subject's month of birth
A1 BIRTHYR Subject's year of birth
A1 SEX Subject's sex
A1 HISPANIC Does the subject report being of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity (i.e., having origins from a mainly Spanish-speaking Latin American country), regardless of race?
A1 HISPOR If yes, what are the subject's reported origins?
A1 HISPORX Other (specify):
A1 RACE What does the subject report as his or her race?
A1 RACEX Other (specify):
A1 RACESEC What additional race does subject report?
A1 RACESECX Other (specify):
A1 RACETER What additional race, beyond those reported in Questions 9 and 10, does subject report?
A1 RACETERX Other (specify):
A1 MARISTAT Subject's current marital status:
A1 RESIDENC What is the subject's primary type of residence?
A1 ZIP ZIP Code (first three digits) of subject's primary residence:
A5 TOBAC30 Has subject smoked within the last 30 days?
A5 TOBAC100 Has subject smoked more than 100 cigarettes in his/her life?
A5 SMOKYRS Total years smoked
A5 PACKSPER Average number of packs smoked per day
A5 QUITSMOK If the subject quit smoking, specify age at which he/she last smoked (i.e., quit)
A5 CVHATT Heart attack/cardiac arrest
A5 HATTMULT More than one heart attack?
A5 HATTYEAR Year of most recent heart attack
A5 PD Parkinson's disease (PD)
A5 PDYR Year of PD diagnosis
A5 TBI Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
A5 TBIBRIEF TBI with brief loss of consciousness (< 5 minutes)
A5 TBIEXTEN TBI with extended loss of consciousness (5 minutes or longer)
A5 TBIWOLOS TBI without loss of consciousness (as might result from military detonations or sports injuries)?
A5 TBIYEAR Year of most recent TBI
A5 DIABETES Diabetes
A5 HYPERTEN Hypertension
A5 THYROID Thyroid disease
A5 INCONTF Incontinence — Bowel
B1 HEIGHT Subject height (inches):
B1 WEIGHT Subject weight (lbs)
B1 BPSYS Subject blood pressure (sitting)
B1 BPDIAS Subject blood pressure (sitting), diastolic
B1 VISCORR Does the subject usually wear corrective lenses?
B1 HEARAID Does the subject usually wear a hearing aid(s)?
B1 HEARWAID If yes, is the subject's hearing functionally normal with a hearing aid(s)?
B8 PARKSIGN Parkinsonian signs
B8 RESTTRL Resting tremor — left arm
B8 RESTTRR Resting tremor — right arm
B8 BRADY Bradykinesia
B8 PARKGAIT Parkinsonian gait disorder
B8 CVDSIGNS Neurological sign considered by examiner to be most likely consistent with cerebrovascular disease
B9 DECSUB Does the subject report a decline in memory (relative to previously attained abilities)?
B9 DECCLCOG Based on the clinician's judgment, is the subject currently experiencing meaningful impairment in cognition?
B9 COGMEM Indicate whether the subject currently is meaningfully impaired, relative to previously attained abilities, in memory
C1 MMSECOMP Was any part of the MMSE completed?
C1 MMSEREAS Reason code for not completing MMSE
C1 MMSELOC Administration of the MMSE was
C1 MMSELAN Language of MMSE administration
C1 MMSELANX Language of MMSE administration — Other (specify):
C1 MMSEVIS Subject was unable to complete one or more sections due to visual impairment
C1 MMSEHEAR Subject was unable to complete one or more sections due to hearing impairment
C1 MMSEORDA Orientation subscale score — Time
C1 MMSEORLO Orientation subscale score — Place
C1 PENTAGON Intersecting pentagon subscale score
C1 MMSE Total MMSE score (using D-L-R-O-W)
C1 NPSYCLOC The remainder of the battery was administered
C1 NPSYLAN Language of test administration
C1 NPSYLANX Language of test administration — Other (specify)
C1 LOGIMEM Total number of story units recalled from this current test administration
C1 DIGIF Total number of trials correct before two consecutive errors at the same digit length
C1 DIGIB Total number of trials correct before two consecutive errors at the same digit length
C1 ANIMALS Animals — Total number of animals named in 60 seconds
C1 VEG Vegetables — Total number of vegetables named in 60 seconds
C1 MEMUNITS Logical Memory IIA — Delayed — Total number of story units recalled
C1 MEMTIME Logical Memory IIA — Delayed — Time elapsed since Logical Memory IA — Immediate
D1 DXMETHOD Diagnosis method — Responses in this form are based on diagnosis by:
D1 NORMCOG Does the subject have normal cognition (global CDR=0 and/or neuropsychological testing within normal range) and normal behavior (i.e., the subject does not exhibit behavior sufficient to diagnose MCI or dementia due to FTLD or LBD)?
D1 DEMENTED Does the subject meet criteria for dementia?
D1 AMNDEM Amnestic multidomain dementia syndrome
D1 PCA Posterior cortical atrophy syndrome (or primary visual presentation)
D1 NAMNDEM Non-amnestic multidomain dementia, not PCA, PPA, bvFTD, or DLB syndrome
D1 ALZDIS Alzheimer's disease
D1 LBDIS Lewy body disease
D1 PARK Parkinson's disease
D1 MSA Multiple system atrophy
D1 PSP Progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP)
D1 CVD Vascular brain injury (based on clinical and imaging evidence)
D1 CVDIF Vascular brain injury, primary or contributing
D1 HUNT Huntington's disease
D1 PRION Prion disease (CJD, other)
D1 BRNINJ Traumatic brain injury
D1 BRNINJIF Traumatic brain injury, primary or contributing
D1 HYCEPH Normal-pressure hydrocephalus
D1 HYCEPHIF Normal-pressure hydrocephalus, primary or contributing
D1 HIV Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
D1 HIVIF Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), primary or contributing
D1 OTHCOG Cognitive impairment due to other neurologic, genetic, or infectious conditions not listed above
D1 OTHCOGIF Cognitive impairment due to other neurologic, genetic, or infectious conditions not listed above, primary or contributing
D1 OTHCOGX Cognitive impairment due to other neurologic, genetic, or infectious conditions not listed above — if present, specify:
D1 DEP Active depression
D1 DEPIF Active depression, primary or contributing
D1 ALCDEM Cognitive impairment due to alcohol abuse
D1 ALCABUSE Current alcohol abuse:
D2 HYPERT Hypertension
D2 THYDIS Thyroid disease
D2 BOWLINC Incontinence — bowel