
Timeline of Substudies

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Laboratory Tests

Blood samples are collected to examine how different biological compounds in blood may be related to memory or thinking and the ability to perform various daily activities with increasing age. Blood samples collected prior to 2003 were frozen; samples collected 2003 and later are sent to Quest Diagnostics for analyses.

  • Data collection format: Blood draw
  • Parent studies: MAP, ROS, MARS, Clinical Core, Latino Core
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 1997 (annual blood draw began in 2001)
    • ROS: 2003 (baseline blood draw as part of parent study began in 1997)
    • MARS: 2004
    • Clinical Core: 2008
    • Latino Core: 2015
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

Bone Mineral Density

The bone mineral density substudy measures bone mineral density in the heel (right calcaneus).

  • Data collection format: Sahara Clinical Bone Sonometer
  • Parent study: MAP
  • Start date: 2002
  • End date: 2006
  • Schedule: Data were collected between 2002 and 2006 on MAP participants enrolled at that time.


The nutrition questionnaire examines participants' current nutritional habits.

  • Data collection format: Questionnaire
  • Parent study: MAP
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date: 2004
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual


The personality substudy measures aspects of personality and behavior that may be relevant for decision making and health outcomes in old age. The substudy is administered in two parts. Personality I includes measures of neuroticism, harm avoidance, anxiety, anger, and childhood adversity. Personality II includes measures of conscientiousness, novelty seeking, impulsiveness, self-perceived socioeconomic status, trust, and altruism.

  • Data collection format: Questionnaire (Personality I, Personality II)
  • Parent study: MAP, Latino Core
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date:
    • Personality I:
      • MAP: 2004
      • Latino Core: 2015
    • Personality II:
      • MAP: 2008
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Personality I and Personality II questionnaires are each collected once per participant. A completed Personality I questionnaire must obtained before collecting the Personality II questionnaire.


The actigraphy substudy measures rest and activity metrics derived from continuous actigraphic recordings 24 hours/day for up to 10 days. As a part of the SOFIA grant, bioimpedance is also measured.

  • Data collection format: Axivity AX3 device (previously measured with Actical and GENEActiv devices)
  • Parent study: MAP
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date: 2005
    • 2005 (Actical device)
    • 2018 (GENEActiv device)
    • 2020 (Axivity AX3 device)
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

Neuroimaging Ex Vivo

Ex vivo neuroimaging examines the relationship between brain characteristics and age-related neuropathologies. At autopsy, the brain is removed and the hemisphere with more visible pathology is selected for ex-vivo MRI. Histopathologic diagnostic examination is conducted after ex vivo MRI.

  • Data collection format: MRI data
  • Parent study: MAP, ROS, MARS, Clinical Core, Latino Core
  • Exclusion criteria:
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 2006
    • ROS: 2006
    • MARS: 2011
    • Clinical Core: 2012
    • Latino Core: 2017
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Postmortem

Neuroimaging In Vivo

In vivo neuroimaging examines the relationship between aging and structural and functional changes in the brain. Participants are transported to a radiology center for an MRI scan and are screened for contraindications to MRI.

  • Data collection format: MRI data
  • Parent study: MAP, ROS, MARS, Latino Core
  • Exclusion criteria: Participants with cardiac pacemaker, certain metals in the body, claustrophobia
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 2008 (1.5T), 2012 (3T)
    • ROS: 2008 (1.5T), 2012 (3T)
    • MARS: 2011 (1.5T), 2012 (3T)
    • Latino Core: 2018 (3T)
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Requires MRI scan every other year for duration of enrollment in parent study


The neuroeconomics substudy examines neuroeconomic phenotypes and key aspects of decision making (i.e., financial, healthcare) in older persons and to examine correlates and consequences of decision making.

  • Data collection format: Interview
  • Parent study: MAP
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date: 2008
  • End date: The study was expanded considerably in 2009 and is now called the decision making substudy.

Decision Making

The decision making and behavioral economics substudy examines decision making behaviors across a variety of contexts (e.g., finances, health, nutrition) and investigates how decision making and related behaviors may change with age. The substudy includes some measures from the neuroeconomics substudy, and many other measures were added.

  • Data collection format: Interview
  • Parent study: MAP, MARS
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 2010
    • MARS: 2018
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

OLFACT Test Battery

The OLFACT Test Battery measures specific changes in sense of smell that are associated with Alzheimer's Disease and how they differ from normal changes due to the aging process. Participants undergo a series of tests that determine olfactory sensitivity and memory.

  • Data collection format: Performance measures (OLFACT™ Test Battery and olfactometer)
  • Parent study: MAP
  • Exclusion criteria: Participants with MMSE score in range of probable AD
  • Start date: 2010
  • End date: 2013
  • Schedule: Annual

Gait Device

The gait device substudy quantifies gait and balance metrics derived from recordings obtained from a fixed-body sensor worn on a belt during the annual gait testing.

  • Data collection format: DynaPort MT device (previously collected using DynaPort Hybrid device)
  • Parent studies: MAP, ROS, MARS, Latino Core
  • Exclusion criteria: Participants who are physically or mentally unable to follow instructions
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 2011 (DynaPort Hybrid device), 2016 (DynaPort MT device)
    • ROS: 2016 (DynaPort MT device)
    • MARS: 2012 (DynaPort Hybrid device), 2016 (DynaPort MT device)
    • Latino Core: 2016 (DynaPortMT device)
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

Sleep Questionnaire

The sleep questionnaire assesses sleep quality and the occurrence of three common sleep disorders: sleep apnea, restless legs syndrome, and REM sleep behavior disorder.

  • Data collection format: Questionnaire
  • Parent study: MAP, MARS
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 2012
    • MARS: 2012
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire (BISQ)

The Brain Injury Screening Questionnaire (BISQ) is a screening tool used to document lifetime history of self-reported traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a variety of situations (e.g., vehicle accident, hit by object).

  • Data collection format: Interview
  • Parent studies: MAP, ROS, MARS, Clinical Core, Latino Core
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date:
    • MAP: 2017
    • ROS: 2017
    • MARS: 2017
    • Clinical Core: 2017
    • Latino Core: 2017
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

Sleep Apnea Screening

The sleep apnea screening substudy uses the WatchPAT device to collect metrics including complete sleep architecture and the following respiratory indices: apnea-hypopnea, oxygen desaturation, and respiratory disturbance.

  • Data Collection format: WatchPAT device
  • Parent study: MAP
  • Exclusion criteria: Participant who refuse to wear GENEActiv activity bracelet for 10 days or who are unable to sign consent due to impairment
  • Start date: 2018
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual

Digital Pen Device

The Digital Pen substudy gathers all written behavior during the cognitive assessment (i.e., MMSE sentence as well as clock drawing) in a digital format for the granulation of graphomotor behavior.

  • Data collection format: Digital pen technology
  • Parent study: MARS, Clinical Core
  • Exclusion criteria: None
  • Start date:
    • MARS: 2017
    • Clinical Core: 2017
  • End date: Ongoing
  • Schedule: Annual