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Available Studies

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Variable Name 




Estimated MMSE
MMSE, or estimated MMSE score based on MoCA

The MMSE was replaced by the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in May 2021. The MMSE was administered for visits prior to May 2021.

The estimated MMSE score ranges from 0 to 30 and is either the MMSE score or the full MMSE score based on the MoCA score.

The Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) is a widely used, 30 item, standardized screening measure of dementia severity. It has previously been used in many epidemiologic studies and is a component of the CERAD protocol. Short term temporal stability is excellent and scores are highly correlated with those on other scales of severity of dementia. This test provides a global measure of cognitive function useful for descriptive purposes. The initial ten items provide a psychometric measure of orientation.

Participants are asked a series of questions to assess orientation to time and place, recall ability, short-term memory, and arithmetic ability.

The MMSE form includes the test of spelling WORLD backwards.

Note: If a participant is physically unable to answer one or more items, the score is imputed as the sum of the nonmissing items*30/(# of items answered).

The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a widely used cognitive screening tool.

Participants are asked a series of questions assessing orientation to time and place, short-term memory, visuospatial ability, executive function, language, and abstraction. The score ranges from 0 to 30.

MoCA references: Nasreddine ZS, Phillips NA, Bedirian V, Charbonneau S, Whitehead V, Collin I et al. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment, MoCA: a brief screening tool for mild cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2005; 53(4):695-9.

Trzepacz PT, Hochstetler H, Wang S, Walker B, Saykin AJ, and for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Relationship between the Montreal Cognitive Assessment and the Mini-Mental State Examination for assessment of mild cognitive impairment in older adults. BMC Geriatrics. 2015;15:107. DOI:10.1186/s12877-015-0103-3