Variable Details

Available Studies

ROS, MAP, MARS, Clinical Core, LATC



Variable Type 


Variable Name 




Episodic memory
Episodic memory domain - Average of 7 tests

We formed a composite measure of the cognitive domain episodic memory by converting raw scores on each cognitive test to z scores, using the mean and standard deviation of the cohort(s) at baseline visit, then averaging the z-scores to yield the composite.

The following 7 cognitive tests are used to compute this score:

Test scoreZ-scoreCognitive test
cts_wliz_WLIWord list
cts_wliiz_WLIIWord list recall
cts_wliiiz_WLIIIWord list recognition
cts_ebmtz_EBMTEast Boston immediate recall
cts_ebdrz_EBDREast Boston delayed recall
cts_storyz_StoryLogical memory I (immediate recall)
cts_delayz_DelayLogical memory II (delayed recall)

Item level variables are available upon request.

NOTE: Every time a new participant completes a study baseline, values for ALL participants change slightly. Therefore it is essential that if participants are added to a data set, ALL values must be updated.

The variable is calculated if more than half the z-scores are non-missing.
