
Medicare Claims

Research Identifiable Files requested from CMS


Medicare claims data

Medicare claims data can be requested through the NIA Data LINKAGE Program (formerly known as MedRIC) after obtaining approval from the RADC to work with cohort data linked to claims on the secure NIA LINKAGE enclave.

Please contact Bryan James (email: ) to begin the process.

A brief outline of steps involved:

  1. Talk to Bryan James to assess whether using Medicare claims for your project is feasible
  2. Submit a request to the RADC to work with RADC data linked to Medicare claims on this Hub (select the Rush variables you need + the Medicare category). Make sure to indicate that you have discussed with Bryan James!
  3. Set up DUA with Rush
  4. Submit request to NIA Data LINKAGE Program to work with Rush data. Contact:
  5. Set up DUA with NIA [Note: a DUA with NIA AS WELL as Rush is required to work with these linked datasets]
  6. Gain access to the Medicare and Rush data on LINKAGE enclave.

Research Identifiable Files (RIF) acquired from CMS: Master beneficiary summary file (MSBF) aka "denominator file": provides annual enrollment information and years of Medicare coverage. Medicare Part A and B claims files: service utilization, costs, and diagnoses. MedPAR (Medicare Provider Analysis and Review) file: concatenates all claims pertaining to a single hospital stay into a single record. Provides record of hospitalization dates, procedures, diagnoses, and events. Part D characteristic files: optional prescription drug coverage.