Resource Requests

If you are interested in using data or specimen from the RADC, please review the Data and Resource Sharing Policy as well as the Data and Biologic Material Transfer Agreement before submitting a request for data or specimens. You will need to create an account (with username and password) to use the request system.

Biologic Specimens

Requests for biospecimens will be reviewed by Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center's Biospecimen Distribution Committee. Review criteria include the scientific merit of the proposal, evaluation of plans to exploit the full potential of the resources, ability of the investigators to carry out the proposed work, federal or foundation funding source, and amount and availability of biospecimens.

Prospective recipients of specimens in limited supply are strongly encouraged to work closely and collaboratively with a Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center investigator in order to take maximal advantage of limited biospecimens.

Biospecimens will not be distributed without a signed Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center Biologic Material Transfer Agreement and executed Letter of Agreement. The agreement was developed by the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center in consultation with our External Advisors, NIA staff, and the Rush Office of Legal Affairs. Some investigators have data collection in multiple laboratories for the same study; under these circumstances the BMTA must be signed by the co-investigator from each laboratory. Tissue will be distributed from the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center only; the Letter of Agreement prohibits third distribution of materials or data. Please indicate the additional investigator(s) who will need to sign the agreement by checking the "BMTA required?" box by each name in the request form.

Additional application information

Go to Specimen Request

Limited Data Set

The data sets provided by the RADC are all de-identified and contain no protected health information. We refer to them as Limited because our data has been shared with many researchers outside of the RADC and some of our data is available on public access sites (including genomic data). The possible combination of already distributed and available data could lead to our participants being identified. We seek the best protection for our research participants. A signed Data Use Agreement is required for distribution and use. See the Data Use Agreement and HIPAA privacy rule for more information.

Go to Limited Data Request

New Study Recruitment

Researchers may be able to recruit from the subset of RADC's participant pool that has consented to contact regarding new studies. Please see the detailed instructions for requesting approval.

Create New Study Recruitment Request

BRAIN-ICU-2 COVID-19 Specimens

BRAIN-ICU-2 is a collaboration between the Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center (RADC) and Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC). Following the COVID-19 outbreak, a supplemental grant was obtained to apply the BRAIN-ICU-2 protocols to individuals admitted at Vanderbilt University Medical Center for treatment. As of Dec 2020, 19 participants with COVID-19 have have donated brain and brainstem tissue for research and sharing through the RADC Data and Biospecimen Repository. The tissue is all fixed in formalin; no frozen tissue is available.

Go to BRAIN-ICU-2 COVID-19 Specimen Request

PARDoS Specimens/Data

Pathology, Alzheimer's and Related Dementias Study

Go to PARDoS Specimen Request Go to PARDoS Data Request

The Data and Specimen Sharing Agreements with the National Institutes of Health require Rush investigators to track the distribution of all data and specimens, including the recipients' grant numbers and funding.

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If you have any questions about any of the below items, please contact RADC Data Sharing Coordinator Greg Klein at