Variable Details

Available Studies

ROS, MAP, MARS, Clinical Core, LATC


Not Scaled

Variable Type 


Variable Name 




Presence of one or more chronic infarcts
Cerebral Infarctions - Binary - Chronic-Any Size/Location

Cerebral Infarctions

Micro/Gross - any size

Value     Coding
0         No Chronic Infarctions 
1         One or more Chronic Infarctions, regardless of size/location

Neuropathologic evaluations are performed at Rush, blinded to clinical data, 
and reviewed by a board-certified neuropathologist.  A uniform examination 
includes assessment for common vascular conditions in aging.  Examination for 
cerebral infarcts documents age (acute/subacute/chronic), size, and location 
(side and region) of infarcts visible to the naked eye on fixed slabs.  All 
grossly visualized and suspected macroscopic infarcts are dissected for 
histologic confirmation. 
A minimum of nine regions in one hemisphere are examined for microinfarcts 
on 6µm paraffin-embedded sections, stained with hematoxylin/eosin. We examine 
six cortical regions (midfrontal, middle temporal, entorhinal, hippocampal, 
inferior parietal, and anterior cingulate cortices), two subcortical regions 
(anterior basal ganglia, thalamus), and midbrain. Age (acute/subacute/chronic) 
and location (side and region) of microinfarcts are recorded.

Microinfarct pathology, dementia, and cognitive systems. Arvanitakis Z, Leurgans SE, 
Barnes LL, Bennett DA, Schneider JA  Journal: Stroke; a journal of cerebral 
circulation 2011 Mar ; 42(3) 722-7
