Variable Details

Available Studies

ROS, MAP, MARS, Clinical Core, LATC


Not Scaled

Variable Type 


Variable Name 




Anti-anxiety medications
Anti-anxiety medication usage in last 2 weeks

1(Yes) If participant was taking an anti-anxiety medication at this visit
0(No) If participant was not taking an anti-anxiety medication at this visit

Participants supplied all medications prescribed by a doctor, vitamins, supplements, and over-the-counter remedies and medicines taken in the 2 weeks prior to the evaluation. Direct visual inspection of all containers of prescription and over-the-counter agents allowed for medication documentation. Medications were subsequently coded using the Medi-Span Drug Data Base system.

Medications include:

LORAZEPAM              ALPRAZOLAM             DIAZEPAM
XANAX                  ATIVAN                 BUSPAR
HYDROXYZ HCL           VALIUM                 MEPROBAMATE
CLORAZ DIPOT           ATARAX                 BUSPIRONE
TRANXENE T             OXAZEPAM               LIBRIUM
CHLORDIAZEP            SERAX                  HYDROXYZ PAM

Medi-Span. Master Drug Data Base Documentation Manual. Indianapolis, IN: Medi-Span, 1995.