Standard Dataset Variables

The RADC offers the following set of 84 variables as a standard collection of commonly requested data. Other variables are available through custom requests. Occasionally changes are made to this list--please see summary of changes here.

  Label Category Longitudinal Short Description
1 apoe_genotype ApoE and TOMM40 - ApoE   Apolipoprotein E genotype
2 age_first_ad_dx Clinical Diagnosis - Dementia   Age at cycle where first Alzheimer's dementia diagnosis was given
3 dcfdx Clinical Diagnosis - Dementia Longitudinal Clinical diagnosis of cognitive status (Alzheimer's dementia, other dementia, MCI, or no impairment)
4 cogdx Clinical Diagnosis - Final consensus diagnosis   Clinical consensus diagnosis of cognitive status at time of death
5 r_pd Clinical Diagnosis - Parkinson's disease Longitudinal Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease made by clinician based on clinical review
6 r_stroke Clinical Diagnosis - Stroke Longitudinal Diagnosis of stroke made by clinician
7 cogn_ep Cognition - Domains Longitudinal Episodic memory domain - Average of 7 tests
8 cogn_po Cognition - Domains Longitudinal Visuospatial ability/perceptual orientation domain - Average of 2 tests
9 cogn_ps Cognition - Domains Longitudinal Perceptual speed domain - Average of 4 tests
10 cogn_se Cognition - Domains Longitudinal Semantic memory domain - Average of 3 tests
11 cogn_wo Cognition - Domains Longitudinal Working memory domain - Average of 3 tests
12 cogn_global Cognition - Global cognition Longitudinal Global cognitive function - Average of 19 tests
13 mem_trbl_tot Cognition - Self-reported cognitive concerns Longitudinal Presence of memory complaints
14 cts_estmmse30 Cognition - Test scores Longitudinal
15 cts_moca30 Cognition - Test scores Montreal Cognitive Assessment
16 phone_cog Cognition - Test scores Longitudinal
17 age_bl Demographics   Age at baseline assessment
18 age_death Demographics   Age at death
19 died Demographics   Indicates whether participant died
20 educ Demographics   Years of education
21 marital_now_bl Demographics   Marital status at baseline
22 msex Demographics   Sex
23 race7 Demographics   Racial group
24 spanish Demographics   Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin
25 cesdsum Depression Longitudinal Measure of depressive symptoms (Modified CES-D)
26 iadlsum Disabilities Longitudinal Instrumental activities of daily living - Sum of 8 items
27 katzsum Disabilities Longitudinal Basic activities of daily living - Sum of 6 items
28 rosbsum Disabilities Longitudinal Mobility disability - Sum of 3 items (Rosow-Breslau scale)
29 alcohol_g_bl Lifestyle - Alcohol and tobacco use   Grams of alcohol used per day at baseline
30 ldai_bl Lifestyle - Alcohol and tobacco use   Self-reported lifetime daily alcohol intake - baseline
31 smoking_bl Lifestyle - Alcohol and tobacco use   Smoking status at baseline
32 late_life_cogact_freq Lifestyle - Cognitive activity Longitudinal Frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activity in late life - Average of 7 items
33 bmi Lifestyle - Physical activity and BMI Longitudinal Body mass index
34 phys5itemsum Lifestyle - Physical activity and BMI Longitudinal Hours of physical activity in late life - Sum of 5 items
35 late_life_soc_act Lifestyle - Social engagement Longitudinal Frequency of participation in social activity in late life
36 soc_net Lifestyle - Social engagement Longitudinal Size of social network based on the number of children, family, and friends seen at least once a month
37 social_isolation Lifestyle - Social engagement Longitudinal Perceived social isolation (loneliness)
38 dbp_avg Medical Conditions - Blood pressure Longitudinal Diastolic blood pressure - Average of 3 readings
39 hypertension_cum Medical Conditions - Blood pressure Longitudinal Self-reported history of hypertension
40 sbp_avg Medical Conditions - Blood pressure Longitudinal Systolic blood pressure - Average of 3 readings
41 cancer_bl Medical Conditions - Cancer   Self-reported history of cancer at baseline
42 diabetes_sr_rx Medical Conditions - Diabetes Longitudinal Diabetes (self-report + Rx)
43 bisq_tbi Medical Conditions - Head injury Longitudinal BISQ - Presence of traumatic brain injury
44 headinjrloc_bl Medical Conditions - Head injury   Self-reported history of head injury with loss of consciousness at baseline
45 med_con_sum_bl Medical Conditions - Summary measures   Self-reported medical condition - baseline
46 thyroid_bl Medical Conditions - Thyroid   Self-reported history of thyroid disease at baseline
47 claudication_cum Medical Conditions - Vascular Longitudinal Self-reported history of claudication
48 heart_cum Medical Conditions - Vascular Longitudinal Self-reported history of heart conditions
49 stroke_cum Medical Conditions - Vascular Longitudinal History of stroke based on clinician review
50 vasc_3dis_sum Medical Conditions - Vascular Longitudinal Cumulative vascular disease burden - Average of 3 items
51 vasc_risks_sum Medical Conditions - Vascular Longitudinal Cumulative vascular disease risk factors - Average of 3 items
52 motor_dexterity Motor and Gait - Motor function measures Longitudinal Motor function partial composite: Dexterity
53 motor_gait Motor and Gait - Motor function measures Longitudinal Motor function partial composite: Gait
54 motor_handstreng Motor and Gait - Motor function measures Longitudinal Motor function partial composite: Hand strength
55 motor10 Motor and Gait - Motor function measures Longitudinal Motor function composite - Average of 10 tests
56 gaitsc Motor and Gait - UPDRS Longitudinal Parkinsonian signs domain: Gait
57 a_score_st4 Pathology - Alzheimer's disease Amyloid beta plaque score based on Thal plaque phase
58 ad_adnc Pathology - Alzheimer's disease   AD neuropathologic change based on NIA-AA criteria - 2 levels
59 adnc Pathology - Alzheimer's disease   AD neuropathologic change based on NIA-AA criteria - 4 levels
60 b_score Pathology - Alzheimer's disease NFT stage (4 levels), derived from Braak Stage
61 braaksc Pathology - Alzheimer's disease   Semiquantitative measure of neurofibrillary tangles
62 c_score Pathology - Alzheimer's disease Neuritic plaque score (4 levels), derived from CERAD
63 ceradsc Pathology - Alzheimer's disease   Semiquantitative measure of neuritic plaques
64 gpath Pathology - Alzheimer's disease   Global burden of AD pathology based on 5 regions
65 pmi Pathology - Autopsy - General   Time interval in hours from time of death to autopsy
66 amylsqrt_est_8reg Pathology - Beta-Amyloid   Amyloid density after square root transformation
67 hip_scl_yn_mid Pathology - Hippocampal sclerosis   Presence of hippocampal sclerosis in mid-hippocampus
68 dlbdx Pathology - Lewy body/PD   Pathologic diagnosis of Lewy body diseases - 4 stages
69 tangsqrt_est_8reg Pathology - Neurofibrillary tangles   Tangle density after square root transformation
70 tdp_st4 Pathology - TDP-43   TDP-43 pathology - 4 stages (8 regions)
71 arteriol_scler Pathology - Vascular - General measures   Arteriolosclerosis - 4 stages
72 caa_4gp Pathology - Vascular - General measures   Cerebral amyloid angiopathy - 4 stages
73 cvda_4gp2 Pathology - Vascular - General measures   Cerebral Atherosclerosis Rating - 4 levels (None - severe)
74 ci_num2_gct Pathology - Vascular - Infarcts (Presence of)   Cerebral Infarctions - Binary - Gross-Chronic-Any Location
75 ci_num2_mct Pathology - Vascular - Infarcts (Presence of)   Cerebral Infarctions - Binary - Micro-Chronic-Any Location
76 early_hh_ses SES and Cognitive Resources - SES   Early life socioeconomic status - Average of 3 items
77 income_bl SES and Cognitive Resources - SES   Income level at baseline (10-level)
78 vision Vision Longitudinal Near-vision acuity based on Rosenbaum Pocket Vision Screener
79 purpose_total Well-being Longitudinal Sense of purpose in life
80 satis1 Well-being Longitudinal Overall satisfaction with life rating - 1 question
81 satis2 Well-being Longitudinal Overall happiness rating - 1 question
82 satisfaction Well-being Longitudinal Satisfaction With Life Scale - Average of 5 items
83 timehoriz Well-being Longitudinal Perceived time horizon - Average of 6 items
84 wellbeing Well-being - Well-being scale Longitudinal Overall well-being - Average of 18 items