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Actical activity measure - Average total daily activity (MAP only)
Actical activity measure - Average activity per hour of activity (MAP only)
Actical activity measure - Average percentage of day without activity (MAP only)

Neuroticism from NEO Five-Factor Inventory - Sum of 12 items
Extraversion from NEO Five-Factor Inventory - Sum of 6 items
Openness from NEO Five-Factor Inventory - Sum of 12 items (ROS only)
Agreeableness from NEO Five-Factor Inventory - Sum of 12 items (ROS only)
Conscientiousness from NEO Five-Factor Inventory - Sum of 12 items
Anger - Sum of 10 items
Tendency to internally experience anger - Sum of 8 items
Tendency to outwardly express anger - Sum of 8 items (ROS only)
Level of anxiety - Sum of 10 items (ROS, MAP, LATC only)
Level of anxiety - Sum of 20 items (ROS only)
Negative life events in the past year - Sum of 18 items (MAP only)
Frequency of negative social exchange in the past month - Average of 12 items (MAP only)
Positive and Negative Affect Schedule - Average of 10 items (MAP only)
Perceived stress in past month - Average of 4 items
Childhood adversity: Total adverse experience - Sum of subscales
Childhood adversity subscale: Emotional neglect - Sum of 6 items
Childhood adversity subscale: Financial need - Sum of 2 items
Childhood adversity subscale: Parental intimidation - Sum of 4 items
Childhood adversity subscale: Parental violence - Sum of 2 items
Childhood adversity subscale: Family problems and separation - Sum of 8 items
Novelty seeking scale - Sum of 40 items (MAP only)
Novelty seeking subscale: Exploratory excitability - Sum of 11 items (MAP only)
Novelty seeking subscale: Impulsiveness - Sum of 10 items (MAP only)
Novelty seeking subscale: Extravagance - Sum of 10 items (MAP only)
Novelty seeking subscale: Disorderliness - Sum of 9 items
Harm avoidance scale - Sum of 35 items
Harm avoidance subscale: Anticipatory worry - Sum of 11 items
Harm avoidance subscale: Fear of uncertainty - Sum of 7 items
Harm avoidance subscale: Shyness - Sum of 8 items
Harm avoidance subscale: Fatigability - Sum of 9 items

Apolipoprotein E genotype
Translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 40 genotype

Age-related inflammation
Ratio of good to bad inflammation
Vascular inflammation based on 2 inflammatory markers
Vascular inflammation based on 3 inflammatory markers
Log transformed level of C-reactive protein
Log transformed level of interleukin-1beta
Log transformed level of interleukin-1 receptor agonist
Log transformed level of interleukin-10
Log transformed level of interleukin-6
Log transformed level of interleukin-6 receptor
Log transformed level of matrix metallopeptidase 9
Log transformed level of tumor necrosis factor-alpha
Log transformed level of vascular cell adhesion molecule
Cytomegalovirus serostatus in serum
Gliadin serostatus in serum
Herpes simplex virus type 1 serostatus in serum
Toxoplasma serostatus in serum
Toxoplasma serostatus in serum (international units)
Anemia calculated from hemoglobin using WHO criteria
Blood urea nitrogen in blood samples
Calcium level in blood samples
Carbon dioxide level in blood samples
Chloride level in blood samples
Ratio of total cholesterol to HDL in blood samples
Creatinine level in blood samples
Glomerular filtration rate based on Modified Diet in Renal Disease study
Fasting status at time of blood draw
Glucose level in blood samples
Hematocrit in blood samples
Hemoglobin in blood samples
Hemoglobin A1c in blood samples
HDL cholesterol level in blood samples
LDL cholesterol level in blood samples
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin in blood samples
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration in blood samples
Mean corpuscular volume in blood samples
Platelet count in blood samples
Potassium level in blood samples
Red blood cell (RBC) count in blood samples
Red blood cell distribution width in blood samples
Sodium level in blood samples
Thyroid-stimulating hormone level in blood samples
Total cholesterol level in blood samples
Triglyceride level in blood samples
White blood cell (WBC) count in blood samples

Complexin-I protein density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Complexin-II protein density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Synaptosomal-associated protein 25 (SNAP-25) density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Synaptophysin protein density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Synatxin-1 protein density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Vesicle-associated membrane protein (VAMP) density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Mean complexin density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Mean SNARE protein density - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)
Mean SNARE protein-protein interactions - Average of 6 regions (MAP only)

Clinical diagnosis of cognitive status (Alzheimer's dementia, other dementia, MCI, or no impairment)
Age at cycle where first Alzheimer's dementia diagnosis was given
Clinical consensus diagnosis of cognitive status at time of death
Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease made by clinician based on clinical review
Diagnosis of stroke made by clinician

Global cognitive function - Average of 19 tests
Episodic memory domain - Average of 7 tests
Working memory domain - Average of 3 tests
Semantic memory domain - Average of 3 tests
Perceptual speed domain - Average of 4 tests
Visuospatial ability/perceptual orientation domain - Average of 2 tests
MMSE, or estimated MMSE score based on MoCA
Indicator of cognitive testing over phone
Presence of memory complaints
Estimated slope for global cognition controlled for demographics
Estimated slope for episodic memory controlled for demographics
Estimated slope for working memory controlled for demographics
Estimated slope for semantic memory controlled for demographics
Estimated slope for perceptual speed controlled for demographics
Estimated slope for visuospatial ability/perceptual orientation controlled for demographics
Estimated slope for global cognition controlled for demographics and pathology
Estimated slope for episodic memory controlled for demographics and pathology
Estimated slope for working memory controlled for demographics and pathology
Estimated slope for semantic memory controlled for demographics and pathology
Estimated slope for perceptual speed controlled for demographics and pathology
Estimated slope for visuospatial ability/perceptual orientation controlled for demographics and pathology

Perception of genetics as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of mental illness as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of stress as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of age as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of God's will as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of head injury as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of toxin exposure as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of alcohol as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)
Perception of smoking as an Alzheimer's disease risk factor (MARS only)

Financial decision making ability - Sum of 6 items
Healthcare decision making ability - Sum of 6 items
Decision making ability, Total - Sum of 12 items
Measure of susceptibility to scams - Average of 5 items
Self-reported fraud victimhood
Willingness to take risks in general
Risk aversion tendency coefficient
Temporal discounting tendency for large stakes
Temporal discounting tendency for small stakes
Financial literacy percentage
Health Literacy Percent
Total health and financial literacy percent
Self-reported confidence rating of healthcare knowledge - Average of 4 items
Self-reported confidence rating of institutional knowledge - Average of 9 items

Years of education
Racial group
Spanish/Hispanic/Latino origin
Marital status at baseline
Age at baseline assessment
Age at visit (longitudinal)
Age at death
Indicates whether participant died

Diagnosis of major depressive disorder made by clinician based on clinical review
Measure of depressive symptoms (Modified CES-D)

Total number of strokes in command condition
Total number of strokes in copy condition
Total time to completion of command condition
Total time to completion of copy condition
Total time pen is in contact with paper in command condition
Total time pen is in contact with paper in copy condition
Total time pen is not in contact with paper in command condition
Total time pen is not in contact with paper in copy condition
Total latency time in command condition
Total latency time in copy condition

Basic activities of daily living - Sum of 6 items
Instrumental activities of daily living - Sum of 8 items
Mobility disability - Sum of 3 items (Rosow-Breslau scale)

Hormone replacement therapy use
Hormone replacement therapy use: Injection
Hormone replacement therapy use: Patch
Hormone replacement therapy use: Pill
Hormone replacement therapy use: Vaginal cream or suppository
Age at first use of hormone replacement therapy
Current use of hormone replacement therapy
Age at last use of hormone replacement therapy
Age at first occurrence of menstruation
Age at menopause
Cause of menopause: Natural or surgical
Cause of menopause: Surgical procedure
Cause of menopause: Other surgical procedure

Categorical frailty measure - 3 levels

Distance traveled from home in daily life
Frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activity in late life - Average of 7 items
Frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activity in middle (adult) age - Average of 9 items
Frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activity as a young adult - Average of 10 items
Frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activity in childhood - Average of 11 items
Frequency of participation in cognitively stimulating activity in lifetime - Average of 4 subscales
Currently licensed to drive
Driving in past 12 months
Days driven in a typical week
Body mass index
Hours of physical activity in late life - Sum of 5 items
Frequency of participation in social activity in late life
Size of social network based on the number of children, family, and friends seen at least once a month
Perceived social isolation (loneliness)
Multidemensional Scale of Perceived Social Support - Average of 4 items
Self-reported frequency of discrimination
Grams of alcohol used per day at baseline
Self-reported lifetime daily alcohol intake - baseline
Smoking status at baseline (never, former, current smoker)

Systolic blood pressure - Average of 3 readings
Diastolic blood pressure - Average of 3 readings
Self-reported history of hypertension
Self-reported history of cancer at baseline
Self-reported history of diabetes
Falls over the past year, self-reported
Self-reported history of head injury with loss of consciousness at baseline
BISQ - Brain injury severity score based on ACRM criteria
BISQ - Total number of blows to head
BISQ - Presence of traumatic brain injury
BISQ - Traumatic brain injury with loss of consciousness
BISQ - Total number of times with loss of consciousness
BISQ - Longest period of loss of consciousness
BISQ - Total number of times dazed and confused
Self-reported history of thyroid disease at baseline
Cumulative vascular disease risk factors - Average of 3 items
Cumulative vascular disease burden - Sum of 4 items
Cumulative vascular disease burden - Sum of 3 items
Self-reported history of claudication
Self-reported history of congestive heart failure
Self-reported history of heart conditions
History of stroke based on clinician review
Self-reported medical condition - baseline

Analgesic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Antibiotic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Anticholinergic medication usage in last 2 weeks
All antihypertensive/diuretic usage in last 2 weeks
Antineoplastic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Cardiac medication usage in last 2 weeks
Dermatologic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Dental treatment medication usage in last 2 weeks
Endocrine medication usage in last 2 weeks
Gastrointestinal medication usage in last 2 weeks
Hematologic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Lipid-lowering medication usage in last 2 weeks
Mental health medication usage in last 2 weeks
Musculoskeletal medication usage in last 2 weeks
Neurologic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Ophthalmic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Platelet inhibitor medication usage in last 2 weeks
Respiratory medication usage in last 2 weeks
Supplement usage in last 2 weeks
Urinary condition medication usage in last 2 weeks
Antihypertensive medication usage in last 2 weeks
ACE inhibitor usage in last 2 weeks
Angiotensin II receptor blocker usage in last 2 weeks
Antiadrenergic usage in last 2 weeks
Beta blocker medication usage in last 2 weeks
Calcium channel blocker medication usage in last 2 weeks
Direct renin inhibitor medication usage in last 2 weeks
Other antihypertensive medication usage in last 2 weeks
Diuretic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Pure diuretic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Combination diuretic/hypertension medication usage in last 2 weeks
Antianginal medication usage in last 2 weeks
Antiarrhythmic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Cardiac glycoside medication usage in last 2 weeks
Diabetes medication usage in last 2 weeks
Estrogen medication usage in last 2 weeks
Lipid-lowering nonstatin usage in last 2 weeks
Statin medication usage in last 2 weeks
Anti-anxiety medication usage in last 2 weeks
Antimanic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Antipsychotic medication usage in last 2 weeks
Depression medication usage in last 2 weeks
Insomnia medication usage in last 2 weeks
Tricyclic agent usage in last 2 weeks
Alzheimer's disease medication usage in last 2 weeks
Anticonvulsant usage in last 2 weeks
Parkinson's disease medication usage in last 2 weeks

Motor function composite - Average of 10 tests
Motor function partial composite: Dexterity
Motor function partial composite: Gait
Motor function partial composite: Hand strength
Classification of parkinsonism based on number of parkinsonian signs present - 3 level
Global parkinsonian summary score
Parkinsonian signs domain: Bradykinesia
Parkinsonian signs domain: Gait
Parkinsonian signs domain: Rigidity
Parkinsonian signs domain: Tremor

Presence of pain or aching in joints
Joint pain in 5 areas
Joint pain in 3 areas
Pain in joints of the lower extermities
Pain in joints of the upper extremities
Cervical radiculopathy based on self-report
Lumbar radiculopathy based on self-report
Foot pain based on self-report
Hand pain based on self-report
Hip pain based on self-report
Knee pain based on self-report
Neck pain based on self-report
Low back pain based on self-report

Gray matter volume - percent of intracranial volume
White matter volume - percent of intracranial volume
Cerebrospinal fluid volume - percent of intracranial volume
Intracranial volume (mm<sup>3</sup>)
Log10 of percent intracranial volume occupied by white matter hyperintensities
Arteriolosclerosis biomarker score
Estimated brain age based on structural brain MRI data
Cortical thickness for the Alzheimer's disease signature

Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet score
Mediterranean diet score (MedDiet score)
Mediterranean-DASH diet intervention for neurodegenerative delay (MIND) diet score

Measure of odor identificaiton using the Brief Smell Identification Test
Odor threshold test
Odor identification - Sum of 10 items (MAP only)
Odor identification - Sum of 20 items (MAP only)
Odor memory component: Says old, is old (MAP only)
Odor memory component: Says new, is new (MAP only)
Odor memory component: Says new, is old (MAP only)
Odor memory component: Says old, is new (MAP only)

Amyloid beta plaque score based on Thal plaque phase (4 levels)
Semiquantitative measure of neurofibrillary tangles
NFT stage (4 levels), derived from Braak Stage
Semiquantitative measure of neuritic plaques
Neuritic plaque score (4 levels), derived from CERAD
Global burden of AD pathology based on 5 regions
AD neuropathologic change based on NIA-AA criteria - 4 levels
AD neuropathologic change based on NIA-AA criteria - 2 levels
NIA-Reagan Diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease - 4 levels (none to high likelihood)
Presence of AD based on NIA-Reagan diagnosis criteria - dichotomous
Diffuse plaque summary based on 5 regions
Neuritic plaque summary based on 5 regions
Amyloid density after square root transformation
Overall amyloid level - Mean of 8 brain regions
Semi-quantitative summary measure from 5 brain regions
Tangle density after square root transformation
Quantitative summary measure from 8 brain regions
Pathologic diagnosis of Lewy body diseases - 4 stages
Presence of Lewy bodies in 7 regions (includes amygdala)
Cerebral Infarctions - Binary - Gross-Chronic-Any Location
Cerebral Infarctions - Binary - Micro-Chronic-Any Location
Cerebral Infarctions - Binary - Chronic-Any Size/Location
Cerebral Atherosclerosis Rating - 4 levels (None - severe)
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy - 4 stages
Arteriolosclerosis - 4 stages
Presence of hippocampal sclerosis in mid-hippocampus
TDP-43 pathology - 4 stages (8 regions)
Time interval in hours from time of death to autopsy

Pulmonary Function Composite - Average of 3 components (MAP/CEDHA only)
Maximal inspiratory pressure (in cm H2O) (MAP only)
Maximal expiratory pressure (in cm H2O) (MAP only)
Possible COPD - Average of 2 trials

Actical sleep measure - Probability of transitioning from active state to rest state (MAP only)
Actical sleep measure - Probability of transitioning from rest state to active state (MAP only)
Actical measure - Interdaily stability (MAP only)
Actical measure - Intradaily variability (MAP only)
Presence of possible REM sleep behavior disorder (Mayo Sleep Questionnaire)
Severity of possible REM sleep behavior disorder (Mayo Sleep Questionnaire)
Presence of possible Restless Leg Syndrome (Mayo Sleep Questionnaire)
Severity of possible Restless Legs Syndrome (Mayo Sleep Questionnaire)

Income level at baseline (10-level)
Income level at age 40 (10-level)
Years of education completed by parents - Average of 2 items
Years of education completed by mother
Years of education completed by father
Early life socioeconomic status - Average of 3 items
Subjective socioeconomic status - Average of 2 items
Access to materials that support cognitive activity - Total (Age 12 and 40)
Access to materials that support cognitive activity - Age 12
Access to materials that support cognitive activity - Age 40

Near-vision acuity based on Rosenbaum Pocket Vision Screener

Sense of purpose in life
Satisfaction With Life Scale - Average of 5 items
Overall satisfaction with life rating - 1 question
Overall happiness rating - 1 question
Perceived time horizon - Average of 6 items
Overall well-being - Average of 18 items
Well-being subscale: Hedonic - Average of 9 items
Well-being subscale: Eudaimonic - Average of 9 items
Well-being component: Autonomy - Average of 3 items
Well-being component: Environmental mastery - Average of 3 items
Well-being component: Growth - Average of 3 items
Well-being component: Positive relations with others - Average of 3 items
Well-being component: Purpose in life - Average of 3 items
Well-being component: Self-acceptance - Average of 3 items